beamer 中 algorithm2e 伪代码的背景着色

beamer 中 algorithm2e 伪代码的背景着色

我尝试algorithm2e用以下对类似问题的回答来突出显示我的伪代码的各部分:。我复制了完全相同的代码并运行它,但它无法编译并出现以下错误:!包 tikz 错误:无法解析此坐标。请参阅 tikz 包文档了解解释。输入 H 可立即获得帮助.... \end{frame}

有人能帮我用一种颜色突出显示“if p<x”并用另一种颜色突出显示相应的“else”部分并在其周围加一个框吗?


\SetKw{myfor}{for loop}


%  for tree={circle, draw, 
%    minimum size=1.5em,
%    inner sep=1pt, 
%    align=center, top color=white
%  },
%  for leaves={rectangle},
%  my label/.style={label={[font=\scriptsize]south:#1}},
%  [, top color=gray, bottom color=gray, minimum size=4mm
%    [E
%      [ILIG, my label=3]
%      [U
%        [CH, my label=1]
%        [LE, my label=5]]]
%    [FLOG, my label=2]
%    [GEL
%      [BE, my label=7]
%      [D, my label=8]]
%    [MIT, my label=4]
%    [ZU, my label=6]]

%\begin{frame}{TIKZ ARRAYBOX}
%   \begin{tikzpicture}
%    \pgftransparencygroup
%    \nodes{p,a,t,t,e,r,n}
%    \endpgftransparencygroup
%    \pgfsetstrokeopacity{0.5}
%    \pgfsetfillopacity{0.5}
%    \pgftransparencygroup
%    \nodes{?,?,?,?,?,?}
%    \endpgftransparencygroup
%    \pgfsetstrokeopacity{.75}
%    \pgfsetfillopacity{.75}
%    \pgftransparencygroup
%    \brckt{1}{6}{0}{size=6}
%    \endpgftransparencygroup
%    \pgfsetfillopacity{0.5}
%    \pgfsetstrokeopacity{0}
%    \pgftransparencygroup
%    \brckt{7}{12}{0}{free space}
%    \endpgftransparencygroup
%    \pgfsetstrokeopacity{0.5}
%    \pgftransparencygroup
%    \brckt{1}{12}{1}{capacity=12}
%    \endpgftransparencygroup
%  \end{tikzpicture}
%  \begin{tikzpicture}[font=\ttfamily,
%array/.style={matrix of nodes,nodes={draw, minimum size=7mm, fill=green!30},column sep=-\pgflinewidth, row sep=0.5mm, nodes in empty cells,
%row 1/.style={nodes={draw=none, fill=none, minimum size=5mm}},
%row 1 column 1/.style={nodes={draw}}}]
%\matrix[array] (array) {
%0 & 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 & 7 & 8 & 9\\
%  &   &   &   &   &   &   &   &   &  \\};
%\node[draw, fill=gray, minimum size=4mm] at (array-2-9) (box) {};
%\begin{scope}[on background layer]
%\fill[green!10] (array-1-1.north west) rectangle (array-1-10.south east);
%\draw[<->]([yshift=-3mm]array-2-1.south west) -- node[below] {Array length is 10} ([yshift=-3mm]array-2-10.south east);
%\draw (array-1-1.north)--++(90:3mm) node [above] (first) {First index};
%\draw (array-1-10.east)--++(0:3mm) node [right]{Indices};
%\node [align=center, anchor=south] at (array-2-9.north west|-first.south) (8) {Element\\ (at index 8)};
%\draw (8)--(box);

\KwIn{Compact Suffix Trie T für Text X, Pattern P}
\KwOut{Startindex eines Matchs in X oder "KEIN MATCH"}
$p \gets P.length()$ \;           
$j \gets 0$         \;                
$v \gets T.root()$\;
\Repeat{failed \Or T.isExternal(v)}{
    $failed \gets$ \True \;               
    \ForEach{Kindknoten w von v}{
        $i \gets start(w)$\;
        \If{P[j] = X[i]}
            $x \gets end(w)-i+1$\;
            \eIf(\tcp*[h]{HIGHLIGHT FROM HERE IN ONE COLOR}){$p \leq x$}{
                \eIf{$P[j..j+p-1] = X[i..i+p-1]$}{
                    \Return{"KEIN MATCH"}               
            }(\tcp*[h]{HIGHLIGHT ELSE IN ANOTHER COLOR})
                \If{$P[j..j+x-1] = X[start(w)..end(w)]$}{
                    $p \gets p-x$\;  
                    $j \gets j+x$\;  
                    $v \gets w$\;
                    $failed \gets \False$\;
                    \Break \myfor \;
\Return{"KEIN MATCH"}




在 tikzmark 文档中,我们可以读到:

我于 2009 年编写了原始 \tikzmark 宏,用于使用 beamer 包准备的讲座幻灯片。其原始定义是:

\newcommand{\tikzmark}[1]{\tikz[overlay,remember picture] \node (#1) {};}


使用 \tikzmark 非常简单。您需要加载 tikz 包,然后将 tikzmark 作为 tikzlibrary 加载。因此,在您的序言中,您应该有类似以下内容:\usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{tikzmark} 在您的文档中,您现在可以在想要记住的位置输入 \tikzmark{}。这将保存一个带有名称的标记以供以后(或更早)使用。要在 \tikz 或 tikzpicture 中使用它,只需使用 pic 坐标系:

\tikz[remember picture] \draw[overlay] (0,0) -- (pic cs:<name>);

编辑 2:要让彩色框架位于文本后面,必须将环境放在环境tikzpicture之前algorithm。它更清晰,不透明度不再有用。使用代码:


\SetKw{myfor}{for loop}

  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%    before the algo 
  \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
    \draw [fill=yellow] ($(pic cs:a) + (-0.2,0.3)$) rectangle ($(pic cs:b)+(7,-0.1)$);
    \draw [fill=blue!50] ($(pic cs:c) + (-0.2,0.3)$) rectangle ($(pic cs:d)+(5.,-0.1)$);
\KwIn{Compact Suffix Trie T für Text X, Pattern P}
\KwOut{Startindex eines Matchs in X oder "KEIN MATCH"}
$p \gets P.length()$\;           
$j \gets 0$         \;                
$v \gets T.root()$\;
\Repeat{failed \Or T.isExternal(v)}{
    $failed \gets$ \True \;               
    \ForEach{Kindknoten w von v}{
        $i \gets start(w)$\;
        \If{P[j] = X[i]}
            $x \gets end(w)-i+1$\;
            \eIf(\tcp*[h]{HIGHLIGHT FROM HERE IN ONE COLOR}){$p \leq x$}{
              \tikzmark{a}\eIf{$P[j..j+p-1] = X[i..i+p-1]$}{
                    \Return{"KEIN MATCH"}               
            }(\tcp*[h]{HIGHLIGHT ELSE IN ANOTHER COLOR})
              \tikzmark{c}\If{$P[j..j+x-1] = X[start(w)..end(w)]$}{
                    $p \gets p-x$\;  
                    $j \gets j+x$\;  
                    $v \gets w$\;
                    $failed \gets \False$\;
                    \Break \myfor \tikzmark{d}\;
\Return{"KEIN MATCH"}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  MODIFIED 
% \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
%   \draw [fill=yellow,opacity=0.5] ($(pic cs:a) + (-0.2,0.3)$) rectangle ($(pic cs:b)+(7,-0.1)$);
%   \draw [fill=blue,opacity=0.5] ($(pic cs:c) + (-0.2,0.3)$) rectangle ($(pic cs:d)+(5.,-0.1)$);
% \end{tikzpicture}

