使用 longtable p 的第二列中有奇怪的空间

使用 longtable p 的第二列中有奇怪的空间




\usepackage[table]{xcolor}                   %% allow colour

\usepackage[textwidth=450pt, textheight=680pt,top=3cm, left=2.5cm]{geometry} %margins
\usepackage{tabularx} % for the table format

\usepackage{microtype} % reduces the number of hyphenations
%\usepackage{longtable} % allows list to split over the page
\usepackage{ltablex} %using because of tabularx environment
%\usepackage{pgfplotstable} % for "continued on next page"

\setlength{\parindent}{0pt} % never indent first line

\usepackage{array}       % Adds m{...} type column


% p columns which are raggedright


\begin{longtable}{| Q | S| R | }
Order of Events (prompt) &
               \textbf{What to say} &
              \textbf{ Responses} \\ \hline
\begin{tabular}{l} Stand, \\
Smile, \\
Accept \\  \quad gavel \end{tabular}  &
Thank you, Mr/Madam Toastmaster. With the permission of the meeting, I shall conduct the Business Session from a seated position.  & \\ \hline
\multirow{ 2}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l} Quorum\\ \end{tabular} } &
Mr/Madam Secretary – do we have a quorum present? &
\textbf{Secretary:} We have \underline{\hspace{0.5cm}} present out  of \underline{\hspace{0.5cm}} active members.  \\ \cline{2-3}

 & \begin{tabular}{>{\raggedright}p{0.19\textwidth} | >{\raggedright} p{0.19\textwidth} } 
Yes, a quorum is present.
I will open the business meeting at \textit{(time)} pm. &
No, we do not have a quorum. (\textcolor{Tmaroon} {The business must be ratified at next meeting.})  \end{tabular} & \\ \hline
\multirow{ 5}{*}{\begingroup \small \begin{tabular}{l} \normalsize{Apologies} \\
Mover, \\
Seconder, \\
Vote, \\
 \quad Carried, \\ 
\quad Gavel
\end{tabular} \endgroup}&
I will now call for apologies. Mr/Madam Secretary, do we have any written apologies? &
\textbf{Secretary:} Mr/Madam Chairman, we have written apologies as per program and from: (names). \\ \cline{2-3}

& Are there any further apologies from the floor? & \textit{wait for responses} \\ \cline{2-3}

 & I ask for a motion that the apologies as stated be accepted. & \textbf{Mover:} I, \textit{(name)}, so move. \\ \cline{2-3}

& Do we have a seconder? & \textbf{Seconder:} I, (name), second the motion. \\ \cline{2-3}

& Is there anything to discuss on the issue of apologies? & \textit{wait for responses} \\ \cline{2-3}

& Those in favour, raise one hand \textit{(pause)};  those against, raise one hand \textit{(pause)}  \par The motion is carried - (or lost). & \\ \hline








\usepackage[table]{xcolor}                   %% allow colour

\usepackage[textwidth=450pt, textheight=680pt,top=3cm, left=2.5cm]{geometry} %margins

\setlength{\parindent}{0pt} % never indent first line

\usepackage{longtable,}       % Adds m{...} type column

% p columns which are raggedright


\begin{longtable}{| Q | S| R | }
Order of Events (prompt) 
            &   \textbf{What to say}
                & \textbf{ Responses}   \\ \hline
% body
Accept      &   Thank you, Mr/Madam Toastmaster. 
                With the permission of the meeting, I shall conduct the Business Session from a seated position.
                &                       \\ \hline
Quorum      &   Mr/Madam Secretary – do we have a quorum present? 
                &   \textbf{Secretary:} We have \underline{\hspace{0.5cm}} present out  of \underline{\hspace{0.5cm}} active members.  
                                        \\ \cline{2-3}



  • 如果你愿意使用tabularray包,相对简单的得到以下结果:


  • 在您编辑答案之后(顺便说一句,它仍然不可编译,缺少加载longtable,使用了哪些sont/sffamily在表中定义了什么...),multirow单元格有了一些意义,但是,似乎仍然不需要嵌套表格(从提供的信息得出结论),但我可能是错的。
  • tabularray有自己的机制来写入多行(和多列)单元格,因此您不需要加载multirow包。
  • 可能的解决方案:
    • 不包含表格嵌套:
      • 假设表中只有一个部分法定人数
      • 在这种情况下,我将插入另一列来写入第四行,并在所有其他行合并第二列和第三列。
\usepackage[textwidth=450pt, textheight=680pt,
            top=3cm, left=2.5cm]{geometry} %margins
\setlength{\parindent}{0pt} % never indent first line

\usepackage[table]{xcolor}                   %% allow colour



    label=none,     % <---
      entry=none]{hlines, vlines,
                 colspec = {Q[l, font=\bfseries, wd=0.13\linewidth]
                 cell{1-3}{2} = {c=2}{j},
                 cell{5-Z}{2} = {c=2}{j},
                 row{1} = {font=\bfseries},

Order of Events (prompt) 
        &   What to say 
            &   &   Responses           \\ 
Accept \newline \null \quad gavel 
    &   Thank you, Mr/Madam Toastmaster. With the permission of the meeting, I shall conduct the Business Session from a seated position.  
        &   &                           \\
\SetCell[r=2]{h}    Quorum
    &   Mr/Madam Secretary – do we have a quorum present? 
        &   &   \textbf{Secretary:} We have \underline{\hspace{0.5cm}} present out  of \underline{\hspace{0.5cm}} active members.  
    &   Yes, a quorum is present.I will open the business meeting at \textit{(time)} pm. 
        &   No, we do not have a quorum. (\textcolor{Tmaroon}{The business must be ratified at next meeting.})
            &                           \\
\SetCell[r=6]{h}    {Apologies\\
    Vote, \\
        \quad Carried, \\
        \quad Gavel}
    &   I will now call for apologies. Mr/Madam Secretary, do we have any written apologies? 
        &   &   \textbf{Secretary:} Mr/Madam Chairman, we have written apologies as per program and from: (names). \\

    & Are there any further apologies from the floor? 
        &   &   \textit{wait for responses} \\

    & I ask for a motion that the apologies as stated be accepted. 
        &   &   \textbf{Mover:} I, \textit{(name)}, so move. 

    & Do we have a seconder? 
        &   &   \textbf{Seconder:} I, (name), second the motion. 
    & Is there anything to discuss on the issue of apologies? 
        &   &   \textit{wait for responses} \\
    &   Those in favour, raise one hand \textit{(pause)}; \quad
        those against, raise one hand \textit{(pause)}  \par The motion is carried - (or lost).
        &   &                               \\ 
  • 带有表格嵌套:
    • 假设表中有更多部分法定人数
    • 在这种情况下,插入具有两列的表格可能会更方便。
    • 对于表格,我建议使用˙tblr oftabularray 包,对于行,这些单元格在哪里,本地设置垂直距离(参见下面的 MWE)
\usepackage[textwidth=450pt, textheight=680pt,
            top=3cm, left=2.5cm]{geometry} %margins
\setlength{\parindent}{0pt} % never indent first line

\usepackage[table]{xcolor}                   %% allow colour


\sffamily           % font settings are unknown, in table are used \sffamily font

    label=none,     % <---
      entry=none]{hlines, vlines,
                 colspec = {Q[l, font=\bfseries, wd=0.13\linewidth]
                 row{1} = {font=\bfseries},

Order of Events (prompt)
        &   What to say
            &   Responses               \\
Accept \newline \null \quad gavel
    &   Thank you, Mr/Madam Toastmaster. With the permission of the meeting, I shall conduct the Business Session from a seated position.
        &                               \\
    \hline  % for thicke line
\SetCell[r=2]{h}    Quorum
    &   Mr/Madam Secretary – do we have a quorum present?
        &   \textbf{Secretary:} We have \underline{\hspace{0.5cm}} present out  of \underline{\hspace{0.5cm}} active members.                 \\

    &   \begin{tblr}[t]{colspec={@{} X  |
                                  X  }
        Yes, a quorum is present.I will open the business meeting at \textit{(time)} pm.
            &   No, we do not have a quorum. (\textcolor{Tmaroon}{The business must be ratified at next meeting.})
        &                               \\
    \hline  % for thicke line
\SetCell[r=6]{h}   {Apologies\\
                    Vote, \\
                        \quad Carried, \\
                        \quad Gavel}
    &   I will now call for apologies. Mr/Madam Secretary, do we have any written apologies?
        &   \textbf{Secretary:} Mr/Madam Chairman, we have written apologies as per program and from: (names). \\
    & Are there any further apologies from the floor?
        &   \textit{wait for responses} \\
    & I ask for a motion that the apologies as stated be accepted.
        &   \textbf{Mover:} I, \textit{(name)}, so move.
    & Do we have a seconder?
        &   \textbf{Seconder:} I, (name), second the motion.
    & Is there anything to discuss on the issue of apologies?
        &   \textit{wait for responses}     \\
    &   Those in favour, raise one hand \textit{(pause)}; \quad
        those against, raise one hand \textit{(pause)}  \par The motion is carried - (or lost).
        &                                   \\

