我在 LyX Tufte-book 课程中有一个文档,其序言如下:
\usepackage{xcolor} % for colour
% add numbers to chapters, sections, subsections
\definecolor{oucrimsonred}{rgb}{0.6, 0.0, 0.0}
\definecolor{persianred}{rgb}{0.8, 0.2, 0.2}
\definecolor{persimmon}{rgb}{0.93, 0.35, 0.0}
{\huge\rmfamily\itshape\color{oucrimsonred}}% format applied to label+text
{\llap{\colorbox{oucrimsonred}{\parbox{1.5cm}{\hfill\itshape\huge\color{white}\thechapter}}}}% label
{2pt}% horizontal separation between label and title body
{\leavevmode\newline}% before the title body
[{\titlerule[0.8pt]}]% after the title body
% section format
{\normalfont\LARGE\itshape\color{persianred}}% format applied to label+text
{\vspace{2em}\llap{\colorbox{persianred}{\parbox{1.5cm}{\hfill\color{white}\thesection}}}}% label
{1em}% horizontal separation between label and title body
{}% before the title body
[]% after the title body
% subsection format
{\normalfont\large\itshape\color{persimmon}}% format applied to label+text
{\llap{\colorbox{persimmon}{\parbox{1cm}{\hfill\color{white}\thesubsection}}}}% label
{1em}% horizontal separation between label and title body
{}% before the title body
[]% after the title body
{0pt}{2.2em plus 1ex minus .2ex}{4.3ex plus .2ex}
{0pt}{5.5ex plus 1ex minus .2ex}{4.3ex plus .2ex}
\g@addto@macro \normalsize {%
\setlength\abovedisplayskip{10pt plus 2pt minus 2pt}%
\setlength\belowdisplayskip{10pt plus 2pt minus 2pt}%
现在,如果我在文档中有一个积分符号,就会产生错误,如果我使用其中一个 AMS 定理模块,错误就会消失。我现在不想使用这些模块。是什么导致了冲突?
包上。如果您在文档中使用积分符号,LyX 会esint
您会收到错误。出于某种原因,LyX 的 AMS 定理模块加载了amsmath
amsthm 不需要它。
在 LyX 中首先加载的最佳方法是将其设置amsmath
为始终加载Document->settings->Math Options