\newcommand{\rect}[4]{\node[draw,minimum height=1cm,minimum width=4cm] (#3) at (#1,#2) {\begin{minipage}{3.8cm}\centering #4\end{minipage}};}
\newcommand{\prect}[3]{\node[draw,minimum height=1cm,minimum width=1.8cm] (#3) at (#1,#2) {$#3$};}
\newcommand{\diam}[4]{\node[draw,diamond,aspect=3,minimum width=4cm] (#3) at (#1,#2) {\smash{\begin{minipage}[1pt]{3.8cm}\centering #4\end{minipage}}};}
% \foreach \x/\y/\k in {0/0/A, 0/5/B, 0/10/C, %0/15/D, % on retire D de la liste
% 0/20/E, 0/30/Q, 16/20/F, 16/25/G, 16/30/M, 16/35/N, 16/40/O, 32/25/H, 32/30/I, 32/40/L} {
% \rect{\x}{\y}{\k}
% }
\tikzstyle{P}=[diamond, aspect=3,thick, draw,minimum width=2.5cm]
\tikzstyle{R}=[diamond, aspect=2,thick, draw,minimum width=2.5cm]
\tikzstyle{N}=[diamond, aspect=3,thick, draw,minimum width=2.5cm]
\node[draw,minimum width=4cm](A) at (0,0){a};
\node[draw,minimum width=4cm](B) at (0,5){a};
\node[draw,minimum width=4cm](C) at (0,10){a};
% on ajoute le node D avec son texte long
\node[draw,minimum width=4cm](D) at (0,15){a};
\node[draw,minimum width=4cm](E) at (0,20){a};
\node[draw,text width=4cm](Q) at (0,30){a};
\node[draw= blue,fill=blue!30,text width=4cm](G) at (16,25){Se};
\node[draw,text width=4cm](M) at (16,30){Add };
% \node[draw,minimum width=4cm](N) at (16,35){all nodes visited};
\node[draw,minimum width=4cm](O) at (16,40){Return to the depot};
\node[draw= blue,fill=blue!10,text width=4cm](H) at (32,25){a};
\node[draw= blue,fill=blue!10,minimum width=4cm](I) at (32,30){a};
\node[draw= blue,fill=blue!10,text width=4cm](L) at (32,40){a};
\node[P](P) at (0,25){a};
\node[R](R) at (0,35){Stopping criterion?};
\node[N](N) at (16,35){a};
% \foreach \x/\y/\k in {0/25/P, 0/35/R} {
% \diam{\x}{\y}{\k}
% }
\node[draw= blue,fill=blue!10,text width=4cm](J) at (35.1,35){a};
\node[draw= blue,fill=blue!10,text width=1cm](K) at (27,35){a};
%%%%%% \foreach \x/\y/\k in {35.1/35/J, 28.9/35/K} {
%%%%%% \prect{\x}{\y}{\k}
%%%%%% }
\node[draw,minimum height=1cm,minimum width=4cm] (End) at (0,45) {End};
\foreach \m/\n in {A/B, B/C, C/D, D/E, E/P, E/F, P/Q, Q/R, F/G, G/H, H/I, J/L, K/L, M/N} {
\draw[thick,>=latex,->] (\m)--(\n);
\foreach \m/\n in {I/J, R/End, N/O} {
\draw[thick,>=latex,->] (\m) -- (\n) node[midway,above,sloped]{Yes};
\foreach \m/\n in {I/K} {
\draw[thick,>=latex,->] (\m) -- (\n) node[midway,above,sloped]{No};
\draw[red,thick,>=latex,->] (R.west) --++ (2,0) node[midway,above]{No} --++ (0,-30) -- (B);
\draw[thick,>=latex,->] (N.east) --++ (-2,0) node[midway,above]{No} --++ (0,-10) -- (G.east);
\draw[thick,>=latex,->] (O.south) -- (16,43) -- (8,43) -- (8,25) --(8,25)--(P.west);
\draw[thick,>=latex,->] (L.south) -- (32,43) -- (25,43) -- (25,30) --(25,30)--(M.west);
scale=0.5,transform shape
\newcommand{\rect}[4]{\node[draw,minimum height=1cm,minimum width=4cm] (#3) at (#1,#2) {\begin{minipage}{3.8cm}\centering #4\end{minipage}};}
\newcommand{\prect}[3]{\node[draw,minimum height=1cm,minimum width=1.8cm] (#3) at (#1,#2) {$#3$};}
\newcommand{\diam}[4]{\node[draw,diamond,aspect=3,minimum width=4cm] (#3) at (#1,#2) {\smash{\begin{minipage}[1pt]{3.8cm}\centering #4\end{minipage}}};}
\begin{tikzpicture}[x=-.350cm,y=-.350cm,scale=0.5,transform shape]
% \foreach \x/\y/\k in {0/0/A, 0/5/B, 0/10/C, %0/15/D, % on retire D de la liste
% 0/20/E, 0/30/Q, 16/20/F, 16/25/G, 16/30/M, 16/35/N, 16/40/O, 32/25/H, 32/30/I, 32/40/L} {
% \rect{\x}{\y}{\k}
% }
\tikzset{P/.style={diamond, aspect=3,thick, draw,minimum width=2.5cm}}
\tikzset{R/.style={diamond, aspect=2,thick, draw,minimum width=2.5cm}}
\tikzset{N/.style={diamond, aspect=3,thick, draw,minimum width=2.5cm}}
\node[draw,minimum width=4cm](A) at (0,0){a};
\node[draw,minimum width=4cm](B) at (0,5){Create a};
\node[draw,minimum width=4cm](C) at (0,10){x};
% on ajoute le node D avec son texte long
\node[draw,minimum width=4cm](D) at (0,15){s};
\node[draw,minimum width=4cm](E) at (0,20){s};
\node[draw,text width=4cm](Q) at (0,30){s }; %$E(L_{k})$ of PTSPD for each and
\node[draw,text width=4cm](F) at (16,20){s};
\node[draw= blue,fill=blue!30,text width=4cm](G) at (16,25){s};
\node[draw,text width=4cm](M) at (16,30){A};
% \node[draw,minimum width=4cm](N) at (16,35){as};
\node[draw,minimum width=4cm](O) at (16,40){Return };
\node[draw= blue,fill=blue!10,text width=4cm](H) at (32,25){a};
\node[draw= blue,fill=blue!10,minimum width=4cm](I) at (32,30){a};
\node[draw= blue,fill=blue!10,text width=4cm](L) at (32,40){a};
\node[P](P) at (0,25){a};
\node[R](R) at (0,35){Stopping criterion?};
\node[N](N) at (16,35){aa};
% \foreach \x/\y/\k in {0/25/P, 0/35/R} {
% \diam{\x}{\y}{\k}
% }
\node[draw= blue,fill=blue!10,text width=4cm](J) at (35.1,35){a};
\node[draw= blue,fill=blue!10,text width=1cm](K) at (27,35){a};
%%%%%% \foreach \x/\y/\k in {35.1/35/J, 28.9/35/K} {
%%%%%% \prect{\x}{\y}{\k}
%%%%%% }
\node[draw,minimum height=1cm,minimum width=4cm] (End) at (0,45) {End};
\foreach \m/\n in {A/B, B/C, C/D, D/E, E/P, E/F, P/Q, Q/R, F/G, G/H, H/I, J/L, K/L, M/N} {
\draw[thick,>=latex,->] (\m)--(\n);
\foreach \m/\n in {I/J, R/End, N/O} {
\draw[thick,>=latex,->] (\m) -- (\n) node[midway,above,sloped]{Yes};
\foreach \m/\n in {I/K} {
\draw[thick,>=latex,->] (\m) -- (\n) node[midway,above,sloped]{No};
\draw[red,thick,>=latex,->] (R.west) --++ (2,0) node[midway,above]{No} --++ (0,-30) -- (B);
\draw[thick,>=latex,->] (N.east) --++ (-2,0) node[midway,above]{No} --++ (0,-10) -- (G.east);
\draw[thick,>=latex,->] (O.south) -- (16,43) -- (8,43) -- (8,25) --(8,25)--(P.west);
\draw[thick,>=latex,->] (L.south) -- (32,43) -- (25,43) -- (25,30) --(25,30)--(M.west);
- 节点的新形状(决策节点的形状由@Qrrbrbirlbel 设计)
- 为节点添加颜色,
- 使用相对定位
- 对于正交箭头使用
库 - 主分支在链中
- 无扩展
ext.paths.ortho, % -|- and |-| path operations
node distance = 2.8mm and 4mm,
start chain = going below,
arr/.style = {semithick,-{Stealth[scale=0.8]}},
base/.style = {draw=#1, semithick, fill=#1!25,
text width=22mm, minimum height=5mm, align=center,
inner sep=3pt,
on chain
be/.style = {% BeginEnd
base=red, text width=#1, rounded corners},
be/.default = 22mm,
if/.style = {% decision node: https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/661461
base=teal, align=left,
label={[D=teal]north east:}},
D/.style = {diamond, draw=#1, fill=#1!50, inner sep=1mm, anchor=center},
lbl/.style = {inner sep=2pt, font=\tiny, text=black!75},
ra/.style = {label={[lbl, anchor=south west]east:#1}}, % right above
rb/.style = {label={[lbl, anchor=north west]east:#1}}, % right bbelo
la/.style = {label={[lbl, anchor=north east]west:#1}}, % lrft above
lb/.style = {label={[lbl, anchor=south east]west:#1}}, % left below
bl/.style = {label={[lbl, anchor=north west]south:#1}}, % below lrfz
br/.style = {label={[lbl, anchor=north west]south:#1}}, % below right
pc/.style = {% ProCess
pc/.default = orange,
px/.style args = {#1/#2}{% ProcessExtend
base=#1, text width=#2},
off chain/.code={\def\tikz@lib@on@chain{}} % <== defined interruption of chain
%% branche principale, les nœuds sont en chaîne
\begin{scope}[nodes={join=by arr}]
\node[be] (A) {Initialisation of ACO parameters};
\node[pc] (B) {Create $m$ ants};
\node[pc] (C) {Place $m$ ants on the depot node};
\node[pc] (D) {Ants start moving from depot};
\node[pc] (E) {For each ant $k$ in colony:};
br=Yes?] (F) {Do this for all ants};
\node[pc] (G) {Update pheromone level};
rb=No] (H) {Stopping criterion?};
\node[be=11mm, below=11mm of H] (End) {End};
%% près de la branche gauche
\node[off chain, pc,
left=of E] (I) {Mark all nodes as unvisited};
\node[pc=cyan] (J) {Select next node using transition rule};
\node[pc] (K) {Add selected node to route and mmark it as visited};
\begin{scope}[nodes={join=by arr}]
br=Yes] (L) {all nodes visited};
\node[pc] (M) {Return to the depot};
%% branche extrême gauche
\begin{scope}[nodes={off chain}]
left=0mm and 13mm of J]
(N) {Generate a uniform random $P_{\mathrm{now}}\in[0,1]$, $P_{\mathrm{Levy}}\in[0,1]$};
below=of N] (O) {$P_{\mathrm{Levy}}\geq P_{\mathrm{threshold}}$};
below left=of O.south]
(P) {$P_{\mathrm{new}}=
1-A \ast \frac{1-P_{\mathrm{levy}}}{1-P_{\mathrm{threshold}}\ast P_{\mathrm{now}}}$};
below right=of O.south]
(Q) {$P_{\mathrm{new}}=P_{now}$};
below=of P.south -| O]
(R) {The next node be selected using $P_{\mathrm{new}}$ from candidate liste};
%% flèches, non incluses dans la macro de "join"
\foreach \m/\n in {I/J, J/N, N/O}
\draw[arr] (\m) -- (\n);
\draw[arr] (O) -| (P);
\draw[arr] (O) -| ([xshift=4mm] Q.north);
\draw[arr] (P) |- (R);
\draw[arr] ([xshift=4mm] Q.south) |- (R);
\draw[arr] (R.south) -- ++ (0,-0.5) -|- [distance=23mm] (K);
\draw[arr] (L.east) -|- [distance=-3mm] (J);
\draw[arr] (H.east) -|- [distance=-5mm] (B);
\draw[arr, red] (M.south) -- ++ (0,-0.5) node[below] {go to?};
calc, chains,
ext.paths.ortho, % -|- and |-| path operations
node distance = 2.8mm and 24mm,
start chain = going below,
arr/.style = {semithick,-{Stealth[scale=0.8]}},
base/.style = {draw=#1, semithick, fill=#1!25,
text width=22mm, minimum height=4mm, align=center,
inner sep=3pt,
on chain
be/.style = {% BeginEnd
base=red, text width=#1, rounded corners},
be/.default = 22mm,
if/.style = {% decision node: https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/661461
base=teal, align=left,
label={[D=teal]north east:}},
D/.style = {diamond, draw=#1, fill=#1!50, inner sep=1mm, anchor=center},
lbl/.style = {inner sep=2pt, font=\tiny, text=black!75},
ra/.style = {label={[lbl, anchor=south west]east:#1}}, % right above
rb/.style = {label={[lbl, anchor=north west]east:#1}}, % right bbelo
la/.style = {label={[lbl, anchor=north east]west:#1}}, % lrft above
lb/.style = {label={[lbl, anchor=south east]west:#1}}, % left below
bl/.style = {label={[lbl, anchor=north west]south:#1}}, % below lrfz
br/.style = {label={[lbl, anchor=north west]south:#1}}, % below right
pc/.style = {% ProCess
pc/.default = orange,
px/.style args = {#1/#2}{% ProcessExtend
base=#1, text width=#2},
off chain/.code={\def\tikz@lib@on@chain{}} % <== defined interruption of chain
%% branche principale, les nœuds sont en chaîne
\begin{scope}[nodes={join=by arr}]
\node[be] (A) {Initialisation of ACO parameters};
\node[pc] (B) {Create $m$ ants};
\node[pc] (C) {Place $m$ ants on the depot node};
\node[pc] (D) {Ants start moving from depot};
\node[pc] (E) {For each ant $k$ in colony:};
lb=No?] (F) {Do this for all ants};
\node[pc] (G) {Update pheromone level};
rb=No] (H) {Stopping criterion?};
\node[be=11mm, below=11mm of H] (end) {End};
%% près de la branche gauche
\node[off chain, pc,
left=of $(A.south west)!0.5!(B.south west)$]
(I) {Mark all nodes as unvisited};
\begin{scope}[nodes={join=by arr}]
\node[pc=cyan] (J) {Select next node using transition rule};
\node[pc=blue] (K) {Generate a uniform random $P_{\mathrm{now}}\in[0,1]$, $P_{\mathrm{Levy}}\in[0,1]$};
rb=No] (L) {$P_{\mathrm{Levy}}\geq P_{\mathrm{threshold}}$};
\begin{scope}[off chain]
below left=3mm and 8mm of L.south]
(M) {$P_{\mathrm{new}}=
1-A \ast \frac{1-P_{\mathrm{levy}}}{1-P_{\mathrm{threshold}}\ast P_{\mathrm{now}}}$};
below right=3mm and 8mm of L.south]
(N) {$P_{\mathrm{new}}=P_{now}$};
below=of M.south -| J]
(O) {The next node be selected using $P_{\mathrm{new}}$ from candidate liste};
\begin{scope}[nodes={join=by arr}]
\node[pc] (P) {Add selected node to route and mmark it as visited};
br=Yes] (Q) {All nodes visited?};
\node[pc] (R) {Return to the depot};
%% branche extrême gauche
\draw[arr] (L) -| (M);
\draw[arr] (L) -| (N);
\draw[arr] (M) |- (O);
\draw[arr] (N) |- (O);
\draw[arr] (Q.east) -|- [distance=-17mm] (J);
\draw[arr] (F.west) -|- [distance=5mm] (I);
\draw[arr] (H.east) -|- [distance=-5mm] (B);