Classicthesis/KOMA 将页码置于页脚行上方

Classicthesis/KOMA 将页码置于页脚行上方

我正在使用 classicthesis 包中的文章类。我需要自定义页眉和页脚。我非常接近所需的输出,但不知道如何在页脚行上方添加页码。下面是显示所需输出的图像。此外,我如何增加页眉大小?提前致谢。







      \ihead{Header text}

         \lofoot{\footnotesize website}
         \cfoot{\footnotesize\textbf{Footer Text}}
         \rofoot{\footnotesize phone}


            some dummy text




注意:使用classicthesis标准类而不是KOMA-Script类会停用 的几个功能classicthesis。如果这不是问题,它甚至可能很好,因为它避免了 KOMA-Script 类与 等包的一些不推荐的组合titlesec






\clearpairofpagestyles% deprecated \clearscrheadfoot replaced

\ihead{Header text}% with single sided, this is the same like \lofoot
\ohead{\smash{\includegraphics[height=10mm]{example-image}}}% image replaced
                                % to make the example working; \smash added to
                                % ignore the height of the image and therefore
                                % avoid a warning about the height of the head

\setkomafont{pagefoot}{\footnotesize}% setting the basic font size of the page footer
\setkomafont{pagenumber}{\normalsize}% setting the font size of the page number
\KOMAoptions{headsepline=.5pt,footsepline=.5pt}% deprecated \setheadsepline
                                % and \setfootsepline replaced

\cfoot{\textbf{Footer Text}}

  foreground,% layer only used in foreground
  foot,% basic position in the foot
  hoffset=\sls@leftmargin{foot},% left position changed according to the original layers of scrlayer-scrpage
  addvoffset=-\baselineskip,% move it upwards
    \usekomafont{pageheadfoot}{\usekomafont{pagefoot}{\pagemark}}\par% the \par is needed to make \raggedleft work
\AddLayersToPageStyle{scrheadings}{pagenumber}% add the new layer to pagestyle scrheadings
\AddLayersToPageStyle{plain.scrheadings}{pagenumber}% and also to the plain page style plain.scrheadings


some dummy text







\clearpairofpagestyles% deprecated \clearscrheadfoot replaced

\ihead{Header text}% with single sided, this is the same like \lofoot
\ohead{\smash{\includegraphics[height=10mm]{example-image}}}% image replaced
                                % to make the example working; \smash added to
                                % ignore the height of the image and therefore
                                % avoid a warning about the height of the head

\setkomafont{pagefoot}{\footnotesize}% setting the basic font size of the page footer
\setkomafont{pagenumber}{\normalsize}% setting the font size of the page number
\KOMAoptions{headsepline=.5pt,footsepline=.5pt}% deprecated \setheadsepline
                                % and \setfootsepline replaced

\cfoot{\textbf{Footer Text}}
  \makebox[0pt][r]{\raisebox{1.2\baselineskip}[0pt][0pt]{\pagemark}}% added
                                % the page number right aligned without width
                                % and moved upwards without height an depth.


some dummy text




还请注意我对弃用代码的评论。有关替换的更多信息,请参阅 KOMA-Script 手册。
