创建参考文献 1 (a)、1 (b),而不是 [1]、[2] 等

创建参考文献 1 (a)、1 (b),而不是 [1]、[2] 等

我希望创建一个参考文献列表,其中我可以选择将参考文献编号为 1 (a)、1(b) 等,而不是 [1]、[2] 等。理想情况下,我希望将参考文献 6 和 7 标记为 6 (a)、6 (b),其余标记为 1、2 等。

有什么办法可以做到这一点吗?我是 Tex 的初学者,所以请忽略我的一些愚蠢错误。以下是我使用的 MWE 和 7 个参考资料。很抱歉 MWE 太长了,我使用的是大学模板。




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 {\chaptertitlename\ \thechapter}{20pt}{\huge}

% \titleformat{\section}




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{\hspace{-0.4pt}\large \thesection\hspace{0.6em}}

\settowidth{\longestlabel}{ viii.}
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\newcommand{\QuestionNB}{\arabic{Question}.\ }
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{\noindent\textcolor{flint}{\textbf{CHAPTER \thechapter}}\newline%
\noindent\bfseries\emph{\textcolor{flint}{\AnswerName\ \ExerciseHeaderNB, page %
% {\noindent\bfseries\emph{\textcolor{flint}{\AnswerName\ \ExerciseHeaderNB, page \pageref{\AnswerRef}}}\smallskip}

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%% calculate unit coordinates
25 div exch
25 div exch
%% copy stack
2 copy
%% compute -z^2 of the current position
dup mul exch
dup mul add
1.0 sub
%% and the -z^2 of the light source
0.3 dup mul
-0.5 dup mul add
1.0 sub
%% now their sqrt product
mul abs sqrt
%% and the sum product of the rest
exch 0.3 mul add
exch -0.5 mul add
%% max(dotprod,0)
dup abs add 2.0 div
%% matte-ify
0.6 mul 0.4 add
%% currently there is just one number in the stack.
%% we need three corresponding to the RGB values

% Requires \usetikzlibrary{calc}
% #1: starting node
% #2: ending node
% #3: attributes for the shape connecting nodes
\path let
 \p1 = ($\left(#2)-(#1\right)$),
 \n1 = {veclen(\p1)},
 \n2 = {atan2(\x1,\y1)} % <- Update
 (#1) -- (#2) node[#3, midway, sloped, shading angle=\n2+90, minimum width=\n1+1, inner sep=0pt, #3] {};


% % for adjustwidth environment
% % for formal definitions
% % environment derived from framed.sty:] see leftbar environment definition
 {\color{flint}\vrule width 2pt}%
 {\color{flint}\vrule width 4pt}%
 \noindent\hspace{-4.55pt}% disable indenting first paragraph

 \node[shape=circle,draw,inner sep=1pt] (char) {\small{#1}};}}

 {\color{flint}\vrule width 2pt}%
 {\color{flint}\vrule width 4pt}%
 \noindent\hspace{-4.55pt}% disable indenting first paragraph

 \if B#1\else\def\myupbracefill##1{}\fi%
 \stackunder[2pt]{\strut $\displaystyle#2$}{\myupbracefill{\wd0}}}{%




\newcommand{\tc}{$T_{\textrm{\sc{c}}} $ }

      {\buildcirclepm{\displaystyle     }{0.14ex}{0.95}{0.05ex}{.7}}
      {\buildcirclepm{\textstyle        }{0.14ex}{0.95}{0.05ex}{.7}}
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    \node[draw,circle,line width=#4] (X)  {\small\raisebox{#2}{\scalebox{#3}{$#1\pm$}}};


% Use a generous paragraph indent so numbers can be fit inside the
% indentation space.
% \counterwithout{figure}{section}
% \counterwithout{figure}{subsection}
% \counterwithout{figure}{subsubsection}
% \counterwithout{table}{section}
% \counterwithout{table}{subsection}
% \counterwithout{table}{subsubsection}
% \counterwithout{equation}{section}
% \counterwithout{equation}{subsection}
% \counterwithout{equation}{subsubsection}

% \usepackage{showframe}
% \usepackage{layout}


% \affil{University of Sussex}


%-------To do------------
% Ctrl r: Schrodinger Schr\"{o}dinger

I have one reference here.\cite{Das2017} I have two more references here.\cite{savoie2015,kordnezhadian2022}

My third reference is here.\cite{kordnezhadian2022}

Fourth\cite{matsumoto2018} and 5th reference.\cite{rueping2017}

\section{Aims and Objectives}

No reference in this section
\section{Scientific Approach/Methodology}

Two references here.\cite{Mayr2008,mayrdatabase} 


No refs here.


Bibliography files
author = {Reza Kordnezhadian and Bing‐Yu Li and Armir Zogu and Joachim Demaerel and Wim M. De Borggraeve and Ermal Ismalaj},
doi = {10.1002/chem.202201491},
file = {::},
issn = {0947-6539},
journal = {Chem. – A Eur. J.},
month = {oct},
number = {60},
title = {{Chemistry of Pentafluorosulfanyl Derivatives and Related Analogs: From Synthesis to Applications}},
url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/chem.202201491},
volume = {28},
year = {2022},
pages = {1-26}

author = {Paul R. Savoie and John T. Welch},
doi = {10.1021/cr500336u},
file = {::},
issn = {0009-2665},
journal = {Chem. Rev.},
month = {jan},
number = {2},
pages = {1130--1190},
title = {{Preparation and Utility of Organic Pentafluorosulfanyl-Containing Compounds}},
url = {https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/cr500336u},
volume = {115},
year = {2015}

abstract = {A protocol for the fast and selective two-electron reduction of the potent greenhouse gas sulfur hexafluoride (\ce{SF6}) by organic electron donors at ambient temperature has been developed.},
author = {Magnus Rueping and Pavlo Nikolaienko and Yury Lebedev and Alina Adams},
doi = {10.1039/C7GC00877E},
file = {::},
issn = {1463-9262},
journal = {Green Chem.},
number = {11},
pages = {2571--2575},
title = {{Metal-free reduction of the greenhouse gas sulfur hexafluoride, formation of \ce{SF5}-containing ion pairs and the application in fluorinations}},
url = {http://xlink.rsc.org/?DOI=C7GC00877E},
volume = {19},
year = {2017}

   author = {Prajwalita Das and Etsuko Tokunaga and Norio Shibata},
   journal = {Tetrahedron Lett.},
   title = {Tetrahedron Letters Recent advancements in the synthesis of pentafluorosulfanyl (SF 5 )-containing heteroaromatic compounds},
   url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tetlet.2017.11.015},
   year = {2017},
   pages = {4803},
   volume = {58}

   author = {Kazuhiko Matsumoto and Yuki Haruki and Shunsuke Sawada and Shigeyuki Yamada and Tsutomu Konno and Rika Hagiwara},
   doi = {10.1021/acs.inorgchem.8b02655},
   issn = {0020-1669},
   issue = {23},
   journal = {Inorg. Chem.},
   month = {12},
   pages = {14882-14889},
   title = {Stabilization of SF 5 – with Glyme-Coordinated Alkali Metal Cations},
   volume = {57},
   url = {https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.inorgchem.8b02655},
   year = {2018},

   abstract = {Comprehensive nucleophilicity scales including π-, n- and σ-nucleophiles have been constructed using benzhydrylium ions and structurally related quinone methides as reference electrophiles. It is shown how the correlation (Eqn (1)) log k20°C = s(E + N), where s and N are nucleophile-specific parameters and E is an electrophile-specific parameter, has recently been employed to characterize further classes of nucleophiles (phosphines, amines, isonitriles, trifluoro-methanesulfonyl- substituted carbanions) and electrophiles (2-benzylideneindan-1,3-diones and benzylidenebarbituric acids). Practical applications of the reactivity parameters E, N and s for developing Friedel-Crafts alkylations in neutral alcoholic or aqueous solution and for characterizing nucleophilic organocatalysts will be discussed. Eventually, a new correlation equation will be presented, which includes Eqn (1), the Ritchie equation (nucleophilic additions to stabilized carbocations), and the Swain-Scott equation (nucleophilic substitutions of methyl halides) as special cases. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.},
   author = {Herbert Mayr and Armin R. Ofial.},
   doi = {10.1002/poc.1325},
   issn = {08943230},
   issue = {7-8},
   journal = {J. Phys. Org. Chem.},
   keywords = {Electrophilicity,Intrinsic barriers,Kinetics,Linear free energy relationships,Nucleophilicity,Organocatalysis},
   month = {7},
   pages = {584-595},
   title = {Do general nucleophilicity scales exist?},
   volume = {21},
   year = {2008},

    title = { Mayr's Database of Reactivity Parameters},
    url = {https://www.cup.lmu.de/oc/mayr/reaktionsdatenbank/},
    journal = {Database of Nucleophilicities and Electrophilicities},
    note = {accessed on 24/01/2023},
    urldate = {24/01/2023}
