如何在 achemso 中添加子图

如何在 achemso 中添加子图

我正在使用\documentclass{article}为期刊撰写支持信息,并被要求改用achemso包。但是当我更改\documentclass{article}为时\documentclass[journal=jacsat,manuscript=article]{achemso},我无法使用 subfigures 包,并且整个布局都会受到影响。有没有办法使用achemso包来使用 subfigures?




\author{First Author}
\email{[email protected]}
\author{Second Author}
\email{[email protected]}
\affiliation[First University]
{Department of Chemistry, First University, Unknown Town}
\alsoaffiliation[Second University]
{Department of Chemistry, Second University, Nearby Town}

\title{Paper title}

        \caption{Subcaption A}
    \caption{Subcaption B}
    \caption{Subcaption C}




后续产品包subfig achemso可以毫无问题地使用。


\usepackage{chemformula} % Formula subscripts using \ch{}
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % Use modern font encodings

\author{Andrew N. Other}
\altaffiliation{A shared footnote}
\author{Fred T. Secondauthor}
\altaffiliation{Current address: Some other place, Othert\"own,
\author{I. Ken Groupleader}
\altaffiliation{A shared footnote}
\email{[email protected]}
\phone{+123 (0)123 4445556}
\fax{+123 (0)123 4445557}
\affiliation[Unknown University]
{Department of Chemistry, Unknown University, Unknown Town}
\alsoaffiliation[Second University]
{Department of Chemistry, Second University, Nearby Town}
\author{Susanne K. Laborator}
\email{[email protected]}
{Lead Discovery, BigPharma, Big Town, USA}
\author{Kay T. Finally}
\affiliation[Unknown University]
{Department of Chemistry, Unknown University, Unknown Town}
\alsoaffiliation[Second University]
{Department of Chemistry, Second University, Nearby Town}

\title[An \textsf{achemso} demo]
  {A demonstration of the \textsf{achemso} \LaTeX\
   class\footnote{A footnote for the title}}

\keywords{American Chemical Society, \LaTeX}


  This is an example document for the \textsf{achemso} document
  class, intended for submissions to the American Chemical Society
  for publication. The class is based on the standard \LaTeXe\
  \textsf{report} file, and does not seek to reproduce the appearance
  of a published paper.

  This is an abstract for the \textsf{achemso} document class
  demonstration document.  An abstract is only allowed for certain
  manuscript types.  The selection of \texttt{journal} and
  \texttt{manuscript} will determine if an abstract is valid.  If
  not, the class will issue an appropriate error.

This is a paragraph of text to fill the introduction of the
demonstration file.  The demonstration file attempts to show the
modifications of the standard \LaTeX\ macros that are implemented by
the \textsf{achemso} class.  These are mainly concerned with content,
as opposed to appearance.







