

我希望我的表格像这样对齐。 在此处输入图片描述



我只知道子浮点数 (subfloat),它有点烦人。




    \subfloat[Caption 1]{
        Koep & Abundance \\\hline
        Dfb &   167 \\
        Cfa &   150 \\
        BSk &   121 \\
        Dfc &   112 \\
        Csb &   106 \\
        Dsb &    56 \\
        Csa &    54 \\
        Dfa &    23 \\
        ET  &    17 \\
        Dsc &    15 \\
        Bwk &    15 \\
        Cfb &    14 \\
        Bwh &     5 \\
        Bsh &     4 \\
        Cfc &     4 \\
        Am  &     1 \\
        Aw  &     1 
        Koep &  Abundance \\\hline
        Dfb &    34 \\
        Cfa &    31 \\
        BSk &    30 \\
        Csa &    29 \\
        Dfc &    29 \\
        Csb &    23 \\
        Dsb &    17 \\
        Dfa &    11 \\
        Cfb &     2 \\
        ET  &     2 \\
        Bsh &     2 \\
        Dwa &     2 \\
        Bwh &     1 \\
        Dsc &     1 
    \subfloat[caption 2]{
        Land Cover & Abundance\\\hline
        Grasslands           &    355 \\
        Savannah's             &    136 \\
        Woody Savannah's         &    120 \\
        Croplands            &    104 \\
        Deciduous Brdlf Frsts   &     44 \\
        Open Shrublands       &     37 \\
        Evergreen Ndllf Frsts  &     32 \\
        Mixed Frsts          &     21 \\
        Barren               &      7 \\
        Cropland/Veg Mosaic  &      3 \\
        Urban and Built-up     &      2 \\
        Evergreen Brdlf Frsts &      2 \\
        Closed Shrublands      &      2 
        Land Cover  &  Abundance \\\hline
        Grasslands           &     94 \\
        Savannah's             &     32 \\
        Croplands            &     31 \\
        Woody Savannah's          &     27 \\
        Deciduous Brdlf Frsts   &      8 \\
        Evergreen Brdlf Frsts  &      8 \\
        Open Shrublands       &      6 \\
        Mixed Frsts          &      4 \\
        Cropland/Veg Mosaic  &      2 \\
        Evergreen Brdlf Frsts &      1 \\
        Urban and Built-up     &      1 
\caption{Caption }\label{tab:sec}



使用subcaption,您可以先使用 选项在两个subtable环境中编写表格,使其顶部对齐t,然后使用\subcaptionbox相同宽度的 es 添加标题。另外,我反对使用 ,\resizebox因为它会弄乱字体,而是使用\scriptsize\small(如果合适)减小字体大小以使字体变小。



        Koep & Abundance \\\hline
        Dfb &   167 \\
        Cfa &   150 \\
        BSk &   121 \\
        Dfc &   112 \\
        Csb &   106 \\
        Dsb &    56 \\
        Csa &    54 \\
        Dfa &    23 \\
        ET  &    17 \\
        Dsc &    15 \\
        Bwk &    15 \\
        Cfb &    14 \\
        Bwh &     5 \\
        Bsh &     4 \\
        Cfc &     4 \\
        Am  &     1 \\
        Aw  &     1 
        Koep &  Abundance \\\hline
        Dfb &    34 \\
        Cfa &    31 \\
        BSk &    30 \\
        Csa &    29 \\
        Dfc &    29 \\
        Csb &    23 \\
        Dsb &    17 \\
        Dfa &    11 \\
        Cfb &     2 \\
        ET  &     2 \\
        Bsh &     2 \\
        Dwa &     2 \\
        Bwh &     1 \\
        Dsc &     1 
        Land Cover & Abundance\\\hline
        Grasslands           &    355 \\
        Savannah's             &    136 \\
        Woody Savannah's         &    120 \\
        Croplands            &    104 \\
        Deciduous Brdlf Frsts   &     44 \\
        Open Shrublands       &     37 \\
        Evergreen Ndllf Frsts  &     32 \\
        Mixed Frsts          &     21 \\
        Barren               &      7 \\
        Cropland/Veg Mosaic  &      3 \\
        Urban and Built-up     &      2 \\
        Evergreen Brdlf Frsts &      2 \\
        Closed Shrublands      &      2 
        Land Cover  &  Abundance \\\hline
        Grasslands           &     94 \\
        Savannah's             &     32 \\
        Croplands            &     31 \\
        Woody Savannah's          &     27 \\
        Deciduous Brdlf Frsts   &      8 \\
        Evergreen Brdlf Frsts  &      8 \\
        Open Shrublands       &      6 \\
        Mixed Frsts          &      4 \\
        Cropland/Veg Mosaic  &      2 \\
        Evergreen Brdlf Frsts &      1 \\
        Urban and Built-up     &      1 
    \subcaptionbox{Caption 1}[.33\textwidth]{}\hfill
    \subcaptionbox{caption 2}[.66\textwidth]{}
\caption{Caption }\label{tab:sec}




\UseTblrLibrary{siunitx, counter}

    label=none,     % <---
    entry=none,     % <---
                ]{baseline= t,
                  colspec = {@{} l | Q[c, si={table-format=3.0{1}}] @{}},
                  row{1} = {guard}}
    Koep & Ab.\TblrNote{1} \\
    Dfb &   167 \\
    Cfa &   150 \\
    BSk &   121 \\
    Dfc &   112 \\
    Csb &   106 \\
    Dsb &    56 \\
    Csa &    54 \\
    Dfa &    23 \\
    ET  &    17 \\
    Dsc &    15 \\
    Bwk &    15 \\
    Cfb &    14 \\
    Bwh &     5 \\
    Bsh &     4 \\
    Cfc &     4 \\
    Am  &     1 
    label=none,     % <---
    entry=none,     % <---
note{1} = {Abundance}
                ]{baseline= t,
                  colspec = {@{} l | Q[c, si={table-format=2.0{1}}] @{}},
                   row{1} = {guard}}
    Koep & Ab.\TblrNote{1} \\
    Aw  &     1 \\
    Dfb &    34 \\
    Cfa &    31 \\
    BSk &    30 \\
    Csa &    29 \\
    Dfc &    29 \\
    Csb &    23 \\
    Dsb &    17 \\
    Dfa &    11 \\
    Cfb &     2 \\
    ET  &     2 \\
    Bsh &     2 \\
    Dwa &     2 \\
    Bwh &     1 \\
    Dsc &     1 \\
\caption{Sub caption 1}
    label=none,     % <---
    entry=none,     % <---
                  colspec = {@{} l | Q[c, si={table-format=3.0{1}}] @{}},
                   rowsep = 1pt,
                   row{1} = {guard}}
Land Cover & Ab.\TblrNote{1} \\
    Grasslands              &    355 \\
    Savannah's              &    136 \\
    Woody Savannah's        &    120 \\
    Croplands               &    104 \\
    Deciduous Brdlf Frsts   &     44 \\
    Open Shrublands         &     37 \\
    Evergreen Ndllf Frsts   &     32 \\
    Mixed Frsts             &     21 \\
    Barren                  &      7 \\
    Cropland/Veg Mosaic     &      3 \\
    Urban and Built-up      &      2 \\
    Evergreen Brdlf Frsts   &      2 
    label=none,     % <---
    entry=none,     % <---
note{1} = {Abundance}
                  colspec = {@{} l | Q[c, si={table-format=2.0{1}}] @{}},
                   rowsep = 1pt,
                   row{1} = {guard}}
Land Cover & Ab.\TblrNote{1}        \\
    Closed Shrublands       &      2 \\
    Grasslands              &     94 \\
    Savannah's              &     32 \\
    Croplands               &     31 \\
    Woody Savannah's        &     27 \\
    Deciduous Brdlf Frsts   &      8 \\
    Evergreen Brdlf Frsts   &      8 \\
    Open Shrublands         &      6 \\
    Mixed Frsts             &      4 \\
    Cropland/Veg Mosaic     &      2 \\
    Evergreen Brdlf Frsts   &      1 \\
    Urban and Built-up      &      1 \\
\caption{Sub caption 1}

\caption{Common caption}




我建议您 (a) 在所有 4 个环境中将“Abundance”更改为“Abund。” tabular(以使右侧列更窄)和 (b) 允许左侧列自动换行,以使它们也更窄。将右侧列中的数字与其(隐式)小数标记对齐也不错。并且,考虑将标题放在表格的顶部而不是底部。

以下代码和相关屏幕截图给出了这些建议的应用。请注意,答案没有使用指令,\resizebox而是使用\small指令,将字体大小线性减少 10%,而是使用指令\scriptsize,将字体大小线性减少 30%。


\documentclass{article}  % or some other suitable document class
\usepackage{subcaption}  % for 'subtable' env.
\usepackage{array}       % for '\newcolumntype' macro
\usepackage{ragged2e}    % for '\RaggedRight' macro
\usepackage{siunitx}     % for 'S' column type
\newcolumntype{P}[1]{% automatic linebreaking, hanging indentation

\setlength\tabcolsep{3pt} % default: 6pt
\small % for a 10% linear font size reduction
\settowidth\mylen{Open Shrublll} % found by trial and error


\caption{Caption 1}
\begin{tabular}[t]{@{} l | S[table-format=3.0] @{}}
        Koep & {Abund.} \\
        Dfb &   167 \\
        Cfa &   150 \\
        BSk &   121 \\
        Dfc &   112 \\
        Csb &   106 \\
        Dsb &    56 \\
        Csa &    54 \\
        Dfa &    23 \\
        ET  &    17 \\
        Dsc &    15 \\
        Bwk &    15 \\
        Cfb &    14 \\
        Bwh &     5 \\
        Bsh &     4 \\
        Cfc &     4 \\
        Am  &     1 \\
        Aw  &     1 
\begin{tabular}[t]{@{} l | S[table-format=2.0] @{}}
        Koep &  {Abund.} \\
        Dfb &    34 \\
        Cfa &    31 \\
        BSk &    30 \\
        Csa &    29 \\
        Dfc &    29 \\
        Csb &    23 \\
        Dsb &    17 \\
        Dfa &    11 \\
        Cfb &     2 \\
        ET  &     2 \\
        Bsh &     2 \\
        Dwa &     2 \\
        Bwh &     1 \\
        Dsc &     1 
\caption{Caption 2}
\begin{tabular}[t]{@{} P{\mylen} | S[table-format=3.0] @{}}
        Land Cover & {Abund.}\\
        Grasslands           &    355 \\
        Savannahs            &    136 \\
        Woody Savannahs      &    120 \\
        Croplands            &    104 \\
        Deciduous Brdlf Frsts&     44 \\
        Open Shrublands      &     37 \\
        Evergreen Ndllf Frsts&     32 \\
        Mixed Frsts          &     21 \\
        Barren               &      7 \\
        Cropland\slash Veg Mosaic & 3 \\
        Urban and Built-up   &      2 \\
        Evergreen Brdlf Frsts&      2 \\
        Closed Shrublands    &      2 
\begin{tabular}[t]{@{} P{\mylen} | S[table-format=2.0] @{}}
        Land Cover  &  {Abund.} \\
        Grasslands           &     94 \\
        Savannahs            &     32 \\
        Croplands            &     31 \\
        Woody Savannahs      &     27 \\
        Deciduous Brdlf Frsts&      8 \\
        Evergreen Brdlf Frsts&      8 \\
        Open Shrublands      &      6 \\
        Mixed Frsts          &      4 \\
        Cropland\slash Veg Mosaic & 2 \\
        Evergreen Brdlf Frsts&      1 \\
        Urban and Built-up   &      1 


附录:将上面给出的解决方案与这个答案,它不会尝试减小列宽。文本宽度相同,我通过减少\tabcolsep和消除环境左侧和右侧边缘的空白填充来帮助替代解决方案tabular。我的解决方案使用\small,而另一个使用\tiny(字体大小线性减少 50%)。我想可以说,可读性存在巨大差异。

