在众多 HTML 文件中查找和替换字符串的最快方法

在众多 HTML 文件中查找和替换字符串的最快方法

我有许多 HTML 文件,它们都嵌套在单个整体文件夹中包含的不同文件夹中。在每个 HTML 文件中我需要替换





是的,如果您有 GNUfind和 GNU sed,请在父文件夹中尝试以下操作:

find . -type f \( -iname "*.htm" -o -iname "*.html" \) -exec sed -i.bak 's#/contact/index\.html#/contact/index.php#' '{}' +

这将找到名称以.htmlor.HTML.htmor .HTM(或.HtM...) 结尾的所有文件,并对sed它们运行以下命令:

sed -i.bak 's#/contact/index\.html#/contact/index.php#g'



find显然,该命令查找文件或文件夹。它的语法可能非常复杂,并在man page下面复制的一些语法中进行了详细解释:

一般格式为find [where] [what].在上面给出的示例中,whereis.表示当前目录。这what是具有html或类似扩展名的所有文件,因此我使用的iname是:

   -iname pattern
          Like -name, but the match is case insensitive.
          For example,  the  patterns  `fo*'  and  `F??'
          match  the  file  names  `Foo',  `FOO', `foo',
          `fOo', etc.   


  expr1 -o expr2
          Or; expr2 is not evaluated if expr1 is true.

这些结构需要通过括号来分组在一起( ),但是,需要逃脱了从 shell 中我们使用\(\)


   -exec command ;
          Execute command; true if 0 status is returned.
          All following arguments to find are  taken  to
          be  arguments to the command until an argument
          consisting of `;' is encountered.  The  string
          `{}'  is  replaced  by  the  current file name
          being processed everywhere it  occurs  in  the
          arguments  to  the  command, not just in argu‐
          ments where it is alone, as in  some  versions
          of  find.   [...] The specified command is
          run once for each matched file.   The  command
          is executed in the starting directory.   There
          are unavoidable security problems  surrounding
          use  of  the  -exec action; you should use the
          -execdir option instead.

换句话说,给定类似 的命令-exec ls {}find将找到与您设置的条件匹配的所有文件并迭代它们,替换{}为当前文件名并执行给定的命令。我还使用+而不是\;结束exec调用,因为这将导致find尝试运行尽可能少的命令,这只是一个小的优化,除非您有数千个文件,而这可能很重要:

   -exec command {} +
          This variant of  the  -exec  action  runs  the
          specified  command  on the selected files, but
          the command line is built  by  appending  each
          selected  file name at the end; the total num‐
          ber of invocations of the command will be much
          less  than  the  number of matched files.  The
          command line is built in  much  the  same  way
          that xargs builds its command lines.  Only one
          instance of `{}' is allowed  within  the  com‐
          mand.  The command is executed in the starting



分隔符 ( #) 可以是任何特殊字符,并且传统上是这样,/但我选择了,#因为否则我将不得不转义/.请注意,ChrisDown 在他的回答中选择使用|.这只是个人选择,两者是等价的。


假设你有 GNU sed

find -iname '*.html' -type f -exec sed -i 's|/contact/index\.html|/contact/index.php|g' {} +
