诀窍是反转小页面的顺序(首先是带有侧面板的小页面,并在此侧面板中添加图像,然后是带有主面板的小页面,主面板包含一个带有姓名和联系信息的 tcolorbox,以及个人资料、工作经历等)。
%%% Sections %%%
\tcbset{colframe=white,colback=white,arc=0mm, height=\textheight}
\begin{minipage}[t]{0.3\textwidth} % Side Panel (e.g. Skills, Links, Languages, etc.)
\begin{tcolorbox}[height=\textheight, grow to left by=0.6cm,colback=backdrop,colframe=backdrop,arc=0mm]
\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{example-image-a} % Picture
% Skills, the skill level is drawn as bars, input: skill name and an array starting from 0 and ending before 4
\skill{Python}{0, 1, 2, 3}
\skill{Git}{0, 1, 2}
\skill{Linux}{0, 1, 2, 3}
\skill{Java}{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}
\skill{C++}{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}
\skill{LaTeX}{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}
\lan{English}{0, 1, 2, 3}
\lan{Spanish}{0, 1, 2, 3}
\lan{Danish}{0, 1, 2, 3}
\begin{minipage}[t]{0.7\textwidth} % Main Panel (e.g. Education, Work Experience)
\begin{tcolorbox}[grow to right by=0.75cm,height=1.00\textheight,colframe=white,colback=white]
%%% TItle %%%
\begin{minipage}{1.00\textwidth} % Name and Contact Info
\name{John Doe}{Carpe Diem} % Name and Profession
\email{[email protected]} $\cdot$
\phone{+31 555 555 555} \par \vspace{0.5em}
\address{London, England} $\cdot$
% Profile Section
% Work Experience
\section*{Work Experience}
\work{Mechanical Engineer}{Sep 2026 - Oct 2028}{Some Company}{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nulla ac nisl. Nullam urna nulla, ullamcorper in, interdum sit amet, gravida ut, risus.}
% Education
\education{MSc in Mechanical Engineering}{Sep 2020 - Oct 2024}{Stanford University}{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nulla ac nisl. Nullam urna nulla, ullamcorper in, interdum sit amet, gravida ut, risus.} \vspace{2em}
\education{BSc in Electrical Engineering}{Sep 2018 - Oct 2020}{Stanford University}{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nulla ac nisl. Nullam urna nulla, ullamcorper in, interdum sit amet, gravida ut, risus.}
% Publications
\pub{SplitPotato: A novel approach towards splitting potato chromosomes}{2 June 2022}{Stanford University}{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nulla ac nisl. Nullam urna nulla, ullamcorper in, interdum sit amet, gravida ut, risus.}{https://scholar.google.com/}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPORTS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Formatting %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\usepackage{geometry} % Margins
\usepackage{sectsty} % Custom Sections
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Font %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Graphics %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\usepackage{fontawesome5} % Icons
\usepackage{graphicx} % Images
\usepackage[most]{tcolorbox} % Color Box
\usepackage{xcolor} % Colors
\usepackage{tikz} % For Drawing Shapes
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Miscelanous %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\usepackage{lipsum} % Lorem Ipsum
\usepackage{hyperref} % For Hyperlinks
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Colors %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\definecolor{title}{HTML}{4bfbba} % Color of the title
\definecolor{backdrop}{HTML}{f2f2f2} % Color of the side column
\definecolor{lightgray}{HTML}{b8b8b8} % Color for the skill bars
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Section Format %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\LARGE % Font size
\sectionrule{0pt}{0pt}{-8pt}{1pt} % Rule under Section name
\large % Font size
\fontfamily{phv}\selectfont % Font family
\sectionrule{0pt}{0pt}{-8pt}{1pt} % Rule under Subsection name
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Margins and Headers %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\pagestyle{empty} % Empty Headers
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% MACROS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Link With an Icon %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Name Template %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Name
\Huge % Font size
\raggedright \textbf{#1} \par
% Profession
\Large % Font size
\raggedright #2 \par
\normalsize \normalfont
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Contact Details %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\faIcon{#2} \hspace{0.2em} #1
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Email %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Phone Number %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Address %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% GitHub %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% LinkedIn %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Website %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Draw Skill Bars %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Draw 5 gray bars
\foreach \i in {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}{
\fill[lightgray] (\i * 0.7 + 0.2 *\i,0) rectangle (0.7 + \i * 0.7 + \i * 0.2,0.1);
% Draw number of black bars depending on the skill level
\foreach \i in {#1}{
\fill[black] (\i * 0.7 + 0.2 *\i,0) rectangle (0.7 + \i * 0.7 + \i * 0.2,0.1);
\end{tikzpicture} \par
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Skills %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Name of the skill
\noindent \hangafter=0
\normalsize \par
% Skill bars
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Language %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Name of the language
\noindent \hangafter=0
% Knowledge level
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Education %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Name of the studies
\noindent \large \parbox{.7\linewidth}{\textbf{#1}}
% Duration in a Box
\hfill \scriptsize
\tcbox[enhanced,box align=base,nobeforeafter,colback=title,colframe=title,size=fbox,arc=0mm]{\textbf{#2}} \par
% School Name
\noindent \color{title} \parbox{.7\linewidth}{\textsl{#3}} \par
% Description
\normalsize \color{black}
\small #4
\normalsize \par
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Work Experience %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Name of the Job
\noindent \large \parbox{.7\linewidth}{\textbf{#1}}
% Duration in a Box
\hfill \scriptsize
\tcbox[enhanced,box align=base,nobeforeafter,colback=title,colframe=title,size=fbox,arc=0mm]{\textbf{#2}} \par
% Name of the Employer
\noindent \large \color{title} \parbox{.7\linewidth}{\textsl{#3}} \par
% Description of the job
\vspace*{0.3em} \color{black}
\small #4
\normalsize \par
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Publications %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Title
\noindent \large \parbox{.7\linewidth}{\textbf{#1} \link{#5}}
% Publication Date
\hfill \scriptsize
\tcbox[enhanced,box align=base,nobeforeafter,colback=title,colframe=title,size=fbox,arc=0mm]{\textbf{#2}} \par
% Institution
\noindent \color{title} \parbox{.7\linewidth}{\textsl{#3}} \par
% Description
\vspace*{0.3em} \color{black}
\small \textit{#4} \par
\normalsize \par