Revtex 与 doi 包不兼容

Revtex 与 doi 包不兼容

我正在使用revtex-4-2它来撰写我的手稿,并希望在我的参考书目中包含可点击链接 (doi)。如果我使用该doi包,即使编译看起来没问题,我也会收到错误 ( LaTeX Error: Command \doi already defined.)。我该如何解决这个问题?这是我的 MWE(改编自 Overleaf 模板):



\title{paper title}

\author{Ann Author}
\altaffiliation[Also at ]{Physics Department, XYZ University.}
\author{Second Author} 
\email{[email protected]}
\affiliation{Authors' institution and/or address}
\collaboration{MUSO Collaboration}
\author{Charlie Author}
\affiliation{Second institution and/or address}
\affiliation{Third institution, the second for Charlie Author}
\author{Delta Author}
\affiliation{Authors' institution and/or address}
\collaboration{CLEO Collaboration}

This is my abstract. This is a useful reference \cite{mylabel}. 

\keywords{Suggested keywords}



和 bibtex 文件

 # "\providecommand{\singleletter}[1]{#1}%" 

author = "J. Pleschiutschnig and O. Blaschko and W. Reichardt",
title = "Lattice dynamics of lutetium",
journal = "Phys. Rev. B",
volume = "41",
pages = "975",
year = "1990",
doi = "10.1103/PhysRevB.41.975",


revtex本身有一个内置机制,用于将 DOI 插入到参考书目中,其中它定义了自己的\doi宏,这\doidoi包定义,使得两个包不兼容。

作为revtex将在参考书目中添加 DOI 链接,只需省略doi大多数情况下该包就足够了。
