\linebreak 使前一行的单词扩展

\linebreak 使前一行的单词扩展


\usepackage[left=2.34cm, right=2.34cm, top=2.66cm]{geometry}
\setlength{\parskip}{6pt plus 2pt minus 1pt}
\noindent Wine refrigerator is our newest product on the line. Refrigerated air flows around the bottles to make the wine cool on every side. The thermometer reading must be regularly checked. The temperature is 15 degrees.
\linebreak\indent The refrigerator must be installed in a cool dry place.




系统:TeXLive 2020、lualatex

更新在文档中,我曾经\setlength{\parskip}{6pt plus 2pt minus 1pt} 自动在段落之间应用填充空间。我不知道这一行的内部原理;我使用它只是因为它能完成工作。我已将这一行添加到最小工作示例代码中。

更新(解决方法)使用 TikZ 包,添加 \tikz[baseline] \node[yshift=5.7pt,inner ysep=0mm,] at (5pt,-2pt) {is 16 degrees.};可解决问题的方法: 在此处输入图片描述

虽然看起来不错,但这是一个涉及 TikZ 的解决方法,如果有人想出一个真正的解决方案(即不使用 TikZ),我会更喜欢它。



您也不应该将\newline\\用于段落。\par源代码中的正确段落是 或 空行:

\usepackage[left=2.34cm, right=2.34cm, top=2.66cm]{geometry}
\chapter{Wine refrigerator}
Wine refrigerator is our newest product on the line. Refrigerated air flows around the bottles to make the wine cool on every side. The thermometer reading must be regularly checked. The temperature is 15 degrees.

The refrigerator must be installed in a cool dry place.


a5paper顺便说一句:14pt在对齐文本方面有点问题。(请参见示例中带有“The”的溢出 \hbox。)但你可以改进它,使用包裹microtype

\usepackage[left=2.34cm, right=2.34cm, top=2.66cm]{geometry}
\chapter{Wine refrigerator}
Wine refrigerator is our newest product on the line. Refrigerated air flows around the bottles to make the wine cool on every side. The thermometer reading must be regularly checked. The temperature is 15 degrees.
The refrigerator must be installed in a cool dry place.


编辑,因为问题中的 MWE 发生了变化(在已经回答了原始问题之后!)。


对于标准类或类似 ext-classes 的派生类,使用段落距离(跳过)而不是缩进段落第一行的最佳选择是parskip包裹。我认为将常规段落跳过设置与一些仅缩进的段落混合在一起也没有多大意义,也不是好的风格。但是,您可以简单地使用缩进段落的环境来做到这一点:

\usepackage[left=2.34cm, right=2.34cm, top=2.66cm]{geometry}
\usepackage[skip=6pt plus 2pt minus 1pt]{parskip}% To use paragraph skip
                                                 % instead of indent.
  \setlength{\parfillskip}{0pt plus 1fil}%


Wine refrigerator is our newest product on the line. Refrigerated air flows around the bottles to make the wine cool on every side. The thermometer reading must be regularly checked. The temperature is 15 degrees.
  The refrigerator must be installed in a cool dry place.



\usepackage[left=2.34cm, right=2.34cm, top=2.66cm]{geometry}

\newcommand*{\microsection}{\par\medskip\noindent}% Alternatively you can use \smallskip or \bigskip or a \vspace{…}

\usepackage{lipsum}% useful for MWEs


Wine refrigerator is our newest product on the line. Refrigerated air flows around the bottles to make the wine cool on every side. The thermometer reading must be regularly checked. The temperature is 15 degrees.

The refrigerator must be installed in a cool dry place.



关于 TeX 必须知道的第一件事是:文档是由段落来划分的,段落之间由源文件中的空行来划分。单个段落的文本可以划分为多行(但行与行之间不能有空行)。

在这个初始阶段,您不需要了解更多信息,您不需要\hfil\break段落内的内容(在 LaTeX 中:您不需要段落内的内容\\,也不需要\linebreak等等)。


查看您想要的输出,很明显“冰箱...”是一个新段落,因为新行和缩进已经理解了几个世纪。所以在 LaTeX 中只需使用一个空白行即可。



\usepackage[left=2.34cm, right=2.34cm, top=2.66cm]{geometry}

Wine refrigerator is our newest product on the line. Refrigerated air
flows around the bottles to make the wine cool on every side. The
thermometer reading must be regularly checked. The temperature is 15

The refrigerator must be installed in a cool dry place.

Wine refrigerator is our newest product on the line. Refrigerated air
flows around the bottles to make the wine cool on every side. The
thermometer reading must be regularly checked. The temperature is 15

The refrigerator must be installed in a cool dry place.
