我正在使用我所在机构提供的模板撰写论文(https://gradschool.utexas.edu/academics/theses-and-dissertations/digital-submission-requirement/latex-document-preparation)。当我使用内联数学时,垂直间距似乎会出现一些奇怪的现象;我之所以这么说,是因为当我将一些内联方程式“对齐”时,这种情况往往会得到改善。奇怪的是,它似乎使间距“更小”而不是更大(这很有道理)。话虽如此,我无法找出其中的韵律或原因,它可能与段落的长度有关,或者 latex 不想在多个页面上“打破”某些环境。我附上了一个例子。有人对如何改善这种情况有什么建议吗?整个内容应该是双倍行距,但你可以看到最后一段被挤压了……
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we must demonstrate that the KL divergences $D_{\mathrm{KL}}(\left.\mathbf{q}_{{t}}||\mathbf{q}\right|\boldsymbol{\delta}_{{t}}),D_{\mathrm{KL}}(\mathbf{q}_{{t}}||\mathbf{q})$ tend to $0$ as ${t} \rightarrow \infty$. This is the subject of the following lemma.
We have that both \begin{align}
\lim_{{t}\rightarrow\infty} D_{\mathrm{KL}}(\left.\mathbf{q}_{{t}}||\mathbf{q}\right|\boldsymbol{\delta}_{{t}}) =0 \text{ and }\lim_{{t}\rightarrow\infty} D_{\mathrm{KL}}(\mathbf{q}_{{t}}||\mathbf{q}) =0.
It can be shown via Jensen's inequality that if $\mathbf{a},\mathbf{b}$ are random variables that are absolutely continuous with respect to Lebesgue measure such that $\mathbf{a}$ is absolutely continuous with respect to $\mathbf{b}$, then $D_{\mathrm{KL}}(Q_{{\Delta}}(\mathbf{a})||Q_{{\Delta}}(\mathbf{b}))\le D_{\mathrm{KL}}(\mathbf{a}||\mathbf{b})$. Thus,
we have $D_{\mathrm{KL}}(\mathbf{q}_{{t}}||\mathbf{q}) \le D_{\mathrm{KL}}(C\mathbf{e}_{{t}}+\boldsymbol{\delta}_{{t}}||C\mathbf{e}+\boldsymbol{\delta})$. Since $\boldsymbol{\delta}_{{t}}$ and $\boldsymbol{\delta}$ are identically distributed, $\mathbf{e}_{{t}}\perp\boldsymbol{\delta}_{{t}}$, and $\mathbf{e}\perp\boldsymbol{\delta}$, the data processing inequality (DPI) for KL divergences (cf. [44, Theorem 2.15]) gives $ D_{\mathrm{KL}}(C\mathbf{e}_{{t}}+\boldsymbol{\delta}_{{t}}||C\mathbf{e}+\boldsymbol{\delta})\le D_{\mathrm{KL}}(\mathbf{e}_{{t}}||\mathbf{e})$.
The proof that $D_{\mathrm{KL}}(\left.\mathbf{q}_{{t}}||\mathbf{q}\right|\boldsymbol{\delta}_{{t}})\le D_{\mathrm{KL}}(\mathbf{e}_{{t}}||\mathbf{e})$ is analogous. To begin, recognize that for each $\delta \in [-\frac{{\Delta}}{2},\frac{{\Delta}}{2}]^n$, $D_{\mathrm{KL}}(\left.\mathbf{q}_{{t}}||\mathbf{q}\right|\boldsymbol{\delta}_{{t}}=\delta)\le D_{\mathrm{KL}}(\left.C\mathbf{e}_{{t}}+\delta|| C\mathbf{e}+\delta \right|\boldsymbol{\delta}_{{t}}=\delta)$ where both $\mathbf{e}_{{t}}\perp \boldsymbol{\delta}_{{t}}$ and $\mathbf{e}\perp \boldsymbol{\delta}_{{t}}$. Applying the DPI for every realization $\delta$ and using the fact that, by independence, $\mathbb{P}_{\mathbf{e}_{{t}}|\boldsymbol{\delta}_{{t}}} = \mathbb{P}_{\mathbf{e}_{{t}}}$ and likewise $\mathbb{P}_{\mathbf{e}|\boldsymbol{\delta}} = \mathbb{P}_{\mathbf{e}}$ completes the argument. Thus, we can prove the lemma by demonstrating that $\lim_{{t}\rightarrow\infty} D_{\mathrm{KL}}(\mathbf{e}_{{t}}||\mathbf{e})=0$.
Let $\{\boldsymbol{\nu}_{{t}}\}$ denote an IID sequence of random variables uniformly distributed on $[-{\Delta}/2,{\Delta}/2]^{{m}}$, let $\{\boldsymbol{\omega}_{{t}}\}$ be IID with $\boldsymbol{\omega}_{{t}}\in\mathcal{N}(0_{{m}},W)$, and let $\boldsymbol{\lambda}\sim\mathcal{N}(0_{{m}},X_{0})$. Assume $\{\boldsymbol{\omega}_{{t}}\}$, $\{\boldsymbol{\nu}_{{t}}\}$, and $\boldsymbol{\lambda}$ are mutually independent. Let ``$\overset{D}{=}$" denote ``equality in distribution", e.g., we write $\mathbf{a}\overset{D}{=}\mathbf{b}$ to imply $\mathbf{a}$ and $\mathbf{b}$ are identically distributed. From (22), we have $\mathbf{e}_{{t}} =R\mathbf{e}_{{t}-1} -L\mathbf{v}_{{t}-1}+\mathbf{w}_{{t}-1}$. Via Prop. 4 Claim (iii) and the factorization of system variables in (44), it can be verified that $\mathbf{w}_{{t}}\perp \mathbf{e}^{{t}}, \mathbf{v}^t,\mathbf{w}^{{t}-1}$ and $\mathbf{v}_{{t}}\perp \mathbf{e}^{{t}}, \mathbf{v}^{{t}-1},\mathbf{w}^{{t}}$.
Thus, by this recursive definition of $\{\mathbf{e}_{{t}}\}$, $ \mathbf{e}_{{t}} \overset{D}{=} R^{{t}}\boldsymbol{\lambda}+\sum_{{i}=0}^{{t}-1}R^{{i}}(\boldsymbol{\omega}_{{i}}-L\boldsymbol{\nu}_{{i}}). $
Likewise, by definition of $\mathbf{e}$, we have that both $\mathbf{e} \overset{D}{=} \lim_{{t}\rightarrow\infty}R^{{t}}\boldsymbol{\lambda}+\sum_{{i}=0}^{{t}-1}R^{{i}}(\boldsymbol{\omega}_{{i}}-L\boldsymbol{\nu}_{{i}})$ and $\mathbf{e} \overset{D}{=}\lim_{{t}\rightarrow\infty}\sum_{{i}=0}^{{t}-1}R^{{i}}(\boldsymbol{\omega}_{{i}}-L\boldsymbol{\nu}_{{i}})$, which follows since Lemma 5's convergence in total variation implies weak convergence.
We have
D_{\mathrm{KL}}(\mathbf{e}_{{t}}|| \mathbf{e} ) &=& D_{\mathrm{KL}}(R^{{t}}\boldsymbol{\lambda}+\mathbf{g}_{\le {t}} +\mathbf{u}_{\le {t}}||\mathbf{g}_{\le {t}} +\mathbf{u}_{\le {t}}+\mathbf{s}_{>{t}} )\nonumber \\ &\le& D_{\mathrm{KL}}(R^{{t}}\boldsymbol{\lambda}+\mathbf{g}_{\le {t}}||\mathbf{g}_{\le {t}} +\mathbf{s}_{>{t}} )\label{eq:usedidiv} \\ &\le& D_{\mathrm{KL}}(\left.R^{{t}}\boldsymbol{\lambda}+\mathbf{g}_{\le {t}} || \mathbf{g}_{\le {t}}+\mathbf{s}_{>{t}} \right| \mathbf{s}_{>{t}} ),\label{eq:condincdiv}
\end{IEEEeqnarray} where (\ref{eq:usedidiv}) follows from the data processing inequality for KL divergence and (\ref{eq:condincdiv}) follows since conditioning increases KL divergence (see [44, Theorem 2.14 (e)]).
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更改 baslineskip 的方式,这意味着任何 latex size 命令(例如)\normalsize
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