在 Beamer 中为项目着色

在 Beamer 中为项目着色

我想在 Beamer 中为某项着色。这是我的代码:


\mode<article> % only for the article version

  %\setbeamertemplate{background canvas}[vertical shading][bottom=red!10,top=blue!10]


            \node[draw=none,ball color=Orange, shade,
 color=black, rounded corners=3.5pt, inner sep=2.5pt] (char) {#1};}}


\rounded{1} I want to colour this rounded item with the colour of the body block below instead of ``Orange''...

\begin{block}{My block}
This is my block




\mode<article> % only for the article version

  %\setbeamertemplate{background canvas}[vertical shading][bottom=red!10,top=blue!10]


{\usebeamercolor{block body}%
            \node[draw=none,fill=bg,rounded corners=3.5pt, inner sep=2.5pt] (char) {#1};}}}


\rounded{1} I want to colour this rounded item with the colour of the body block below instead of ``Orange''...

\begin{block}{My block}
This is my block


