



\catcode`\ =12\let\@nl@space= \catcode`\ =10

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\documentclass[10pt, oneside]{book}

% packages
\usepackage{amssymb, amsmath, amsthm}

% these make top, right, bottom margins confirming to the requirements



% small stuff



% \usepackage{showkeys}
% uncomment this when editing cross-references

% this makes the chapters start with a 2" margin
    {\parindent \z@ \raggedright \normalfont
        \ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne
        \huge\bfseries \@chapapp\space \thechapter
        \vskip 20\p@
        \Huge \bfseries #1\par\nobreak
        \vskip 40\p@
    {\parindent \z@ \raggedright
        \Huge \bfseries  #1\par\nobreak
        \vskip 40\p@

% theorem style


%\newtheorem*{main-theorem-1}{Main Theorem}
%\newtheorem*{nil-to-local-repeat}{Proposition \ref{nil-to-local}}
%\newtheorem*{restate-tech-thm}{Theorem \ref{mainthm-tech}}





%I prefer slanted leq and geq symbols

%This is all so I could finish a proof with an equation if need be.

%\def\proof{\noindent\textit{Proof. }}

\parindent 0mm
\parskip   5mm % this should make \ni and  obsolete, hopefully
%\newenvironment{proof}{\noindent {\bf Proof} }{\endprf\par}
\def \endprf{\hfill  {\vrule height6pt width6pt depth0pt}\medskip}

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% doesn't count introduction when numbering theorems, etc.

% makes page numbers appear


% makes the page numbers roman numerals, doesn't count
% these pages in the table of contents


\vbox to 1truein{}

\centerline{Fairy Tales throughout History}

\vskip 200pt

\vskip 10pt

\centerline{A Storyteller}
\vskip 10pt

\centerline{BA, Bard College}
\centerline{MA, Columbia University}

\vskip 215pt

\vskip 10pt

\centerline{Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for}
\centerline{the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in English}
\centerline{in the Graduate School of}
\centerline{Columbia University}



\vbox to 9.0truein{}

\centerline{\copyright\ Copyright by A Storyteller 2023}


\centerline{All Rights Reserved}


Fairy tales' rich, imaginative stories for children~---~involving fantastical creatures and exotic places~---~offer far more than entertainment and happily-ever-after endings. They furnish children with a landscape for critical thinking skills and a context in which children can evaluate their own emotions and decision making.



\centerline{Dedicated to the Grimm Brothers and Hans Christian Anderson}


I wish to thank Walt Disney for animating various fairy tales in full color.



% Changes page numbers to regular numbers, resets the counter

%This gives 10pt font with 20pt spacing, text from here should be double spaced
\fontsize{10}{20pt} \selectfont

% \include puts in the .tex file with the given name
% make sure that these files don't have any preamble material







% add a new chapter without a chapter # for the references


\bibitem[Southey 1837]{Southey}Robert Southey, \emph{The Doctor},  Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green and Longman, London, England, 1837, pages 318-326




% Introduction

%Make the Introduction a chapter without a number.

% and include it on the table of contents

We will look at various fairy tales and myths in civilizations throughout history!

这是第 1 章。文件名为“chapter_1_February_9”。

%  Chapter 1
\chapter{Fairy Tales from Ancient Greece}
% the label lets you refer to the chapter by number later.

\section{Theogony: Clash of the Titans}

Talk some more.

\subsection{Subsection Title}

Be specific.

% if you want a subsection, but with no number
\subsection*{Numberless Subsection}

% you have to manually add it to the table of contents
\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Numberless Subsection}

\section{Prometheus and the Theft of Fire}

Talk it up.

% you can do the same with sections, just * them and add them to the contents if you want.

\section{Pandora’s Box}

Keep going

\section{The Abduction of Persephone by Hades}

Way to go!

这是第 2 章。文件名为“chapter_2_February_9”。

%  Chapter 2
\chapter{Fairy Tales from Ancient Rome}
% the label lets you refer to the chapter by number later.

{\em Talk a little.} \cite{keyword1}

\section{Romulus and Remus}

{\em Pages of exposition.}

\section{Aeneas (by the poet Virgil)}

{\em Pages of exposition.}

{\em Talk a lot.}

%\begin{thm}[Theorem 1 \cite{keyword2}]
%Stuff is important.


{\em Pages of exposition.}

{\em Do it again.}

\section{The Legend of Lucretia}

{\em Pages of exposition.}

%Theorem~\ref{thm1} is really important.  Chapter~\ref{ch1} was awesome.

这是第 3 章。文件名是“chapter_3_February_9”。

%  Chapter 3
\chapter{European Fairy Tales}
%This label lets you refer to the chapter by number later.

{\em A paragraph} \cite{keyword1}

\section{English Fairy Tales}

{\em Pages of exposition.}


{\em Talk a little}

\subsection{Beauty and the Beast}

{\em Talk a little}

\subsection{Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs}

{\em Talk a little}

\subsection{Jack and the Beanstalk}

{\em Talk a little}

\subsection{Sleeping Beauty}

{\em Talk a little}

\subsection{Puss in Boots}

{\em Talk a little}

%\begin{thm}[Theorem 1 \cite{keyword2}]
%Stuff is important.


{\em Pages of exposition.}


{\em Talk a little}

\subsection{Little Red Riding Hood (retold by The Brothers Grimm)}
{\em Talk a little}

{\em Talk a little}


{\em Pages of exposition.}

\subsection{East of the Sun and West of the Moon}
{\em Talk a little}

\subsection{The Boy with the Beer Keg}
{\em Talk a little}

\subsection{Legends from the Mill}
{\em Talk a little}

\subsection{An evening at the neighbors}
{\em Talk a little}


%Do not put a chapter number on this section.

% but include it on the contents

Draw some conclusions.
