\textbf{Ben} is a technician working for the Ministry of Defense. He was asked to prepare 300 multi-purpose tents (MPT II) for a mission in Mali. Ben is a prudent person. The climate in Mali is extremely hot. Ben does not want to provide an oversized system because he does not want to give the soldiers the opportunity to set too low temperature in the tents in order to prevent health problems caused by the temperature shock. Moreover, oversized systems make noise and consume more fuel. Larger fuel consumption causes additional costs and the need to refill the fuel tank more often, which is not convenient. Ben wants to size the HVAC system properly so that there are no complaints and the soldiers’ health is protected. Also, he wants to convince the soldiers to install shading so that the cooling demand and fuel consumption is decreased.
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\textbf{Ben} is a technician working for the Ministry of Defense. He was asked to prepare 300 multi-purpose tents (MPT II) for a mission in Mali. Ben is a prudent person. The climate in Mali is extremely hot. Ben does not want to provide an oversized system because he does not want to give the soldiers the opportunity to set too low temperature in the tents in order to prevent health problems caused by the temperature shock. Moreover, oversized systems make noise and consume more fuel. Larger fuel consumption causes additional costs and the need to refill the fuel tank more often, which is not convenient. Ben wants to size the HVAC system properly so that there are no complaints and the soldiers’ health is protected. Also, he wants to convince the soldiers to install shading so that the cooling demand and fuel consumption is decreased.
wrapfig 接受一个可选参数,该参数指定图形应占据多少行高。您还需要一个\noindent
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\textbf{Ben} is a technician working for the Ministry of Defense. He was asked to prepare 300 multi-purpose tents (MPT II) for a mission in Mali. Ben is a prudent person. The climate in Mali is extremely hot. Ben does not want to provide an oversized system because he does not want to give the soldiers the opportunity to set too low temperature in the tents in order to prevent health problems caused by the temperature shock. Moreover, oversized systems make noise and consume more fuel. Larger fuel consumption causes additional costs and the need to refill the fuel tank more often, which is not convenient. Ben wants to size the HVAC system properly so that there are no complaints and the soldiers’ health is protected. Also, he wants to convince the soldiers to install shading so that the cooling demand and fuel consumption is decreased.
\textbf{Ben} is a technician working for the Ministry of Defense. He was asked to prepare 300 multi-purpose tents (MPT II) for a mission in Mali. Ben is a prudent person. The climate in Mali is extremely hot. Ben does not want to provide an oversized system because he does not want to give the soldiers the opportunity to set too low temperature in the tents in order to prevent health problems caused by the temperature shock. Moreover, oversized systems make noise and consume more fuel. Larger fuel consumption causes additional costs and the need to refill the fuel tank more often, which is not convenient. Ben wants to size the HVAC system properly so that there are no complaints and the soldiers’ health is protected. Also, he wants to convince the soldiers to install shading so that the cooling demand and fuel consumption is decreased.
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Lady Queen Duck
& \lipsum[11]
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Lady Queen Duck
& \lipsum[11]