新命令 dynTable 在子文件中不起作用

新命令 dynTable 在子文件中不起作用

我正在尝试在 Overleaf 中编写考试。我正在使用子文件,因此我有一个包含一堆子文件的 MainFile.tex 结构。这一直运行良好。当我想添加一个将显示多项选择答题纸的最终页面时,我遇到了一个问题。此页面包含一个 /newcommand(我在 stackexchange 上找到的代码)。当我编译单个页面时,新命令运行良好 - 我得到以下内容:在此处输入图片描述




\parindent 0em     % no indenting on para
% \printanswers



% font family for entire document
% \sffamily      
% \subfile{./sections/title}              % PRINT THE TITLE PAGE
% \pagebreak
% \subfile{./sections/multipleChoice}     % PRINT THE MULTIPLE CHOICE PART

% \subfile{./sections/longQuestionsSetup.tex}     % get setup for the long question format
% %this rule formats the long question Question line
% \qformat{\parbox{\textwidth}{Question \thequestion{} (\totalpoints{} marks) \hfill  \vspace*{0.5cm}}}


% \subfile{./sections/multiplechoice} \newpage %\subfile{./sections/longAnswer} % 现在生成长答案部分



\textbf{End of Exam}



\newcommand{\AddToks}[1]{\toks@=\expandafter{\the\toks@ #1}}
\def\BOX{\framebox(7 ,7){}}

    \AddToks{&&A&B&C&D \tabularnewline}
    \rowNo=0 %
      \advance\rowNo by 1
      \AddToks{\strobe & }
         \the\rowNo & 
         \BOX & \BOX & \BOX & \BOX %& \BOX & \BOX & \BOX & \BOX & \BOX & \BOX%


    \Large{\textbf{Student Number}}
    %\large{\Student Number}\\
    \begin{tabular}{| p{0.5cm} | p{0.5cm} | p{0.5cm} | p{0.5cm} | p{0.5cm} | p{0.5cm} | p{0.5cm} | p{0.5cm} | p{0.5cm} |}
         & & & & & & & & \\


 \textbf{My subject name}
 \textbf{Assessment Task - 2023}
\textbf{Answer Sheet}

\textbf{Section I - Multiple Choice}

Tick the letter that corresponds to the correct answer. If you make a change clearly indicate which answer is correct.


