“请确保文内所有引用均符合 APA 第 7 版格式。在这种格式中,引用放在括号中,在最后一位作者的姓名前使用 &,在日期前使用逗号和空格。第一次引用时会列出所有作者(最多六位),之后对同一作品的引用会使用 et al.。请检查 et al. 是否始终带有句点”。
我使用 Overleaf 平台编译我的 LaTeX 文档。在序言中,我biblatex
maxnames=6, maxbibnames=99]{biblatex}
,但所有条目都变为 6。
我考虑过手动编写每个有 6 位以上作者的条目,但我有一些独特的引用,而且它们不会通过此程序注册到参考文献部分。
\usepackage{graphicx} % Required for inserting images
\usepackage[natbib=true,backend=biber,sorting=nyt,style=apa,uniquename=false,minnames=1, maxnames=6, maxbibnames=99]{biblatex}
\title{APA7 Example}
\date{February 2023}
\citet{GSwE2009} is the first citation and it should show up to 6 authors. Now, \citet{GSwE2009} should be show the first author and et al. after.
I'm following the recommendation according to an IEEE Journal: \textit{``Please make sure all the in-text references are in APA 7th edition style. In this style, references are set in parentheses, with & used before the last author's name and a comma and space before the date. All authors (up to six) are given on the first reference, with et al. used on later references to the same work. Please check that et al. always has a period".}
他们引用的引文标注规则(大部分情况下,但见下文的例外情况)适用于 APA6。这些规则不再适用于 APA7。具体来说,在 APA7 下,唯一相关的规则是引用标注所有作品有 3 位或更多作者立即被截断。
此外,他们引用的规则不仅过时,不符合 APA7 规则,甚至对 APA6 来说也不完全正确!在 APA6 下,所有作品有 6 位或更多作者是在引用标注中立即使用“et al.” 。只有恰好有 3、4 或 5 位作者的作品才会在第一次引用标注中列出所有作者,并在第二次及以后的引用标注中应用“et al.”截断。
,您唯一的选择是必须为了让引文标注符合 APA7 规则,需要设置的是style=apa
如果没有其他选择,请让期刊的编辑团队声明他们实际上希望应用 APA6 规则,而不是 APA7 规则。在这样做的同时,请让他们承认他们引用的 APA6 规则仅适用于有 3、4 或 5 名作者的文章,因此不适用于恰好有 6 名作者的文章。
\documentclass{article} % or some other suitable document class
author = "A and B and C",
title = "Thoughts", year = 3003}
author = "A and B and C and D",
title = "Thoughts", year = 3004}
author = "A and B and C and D and E",
title = "Thoughts", year = 3005}
author = "A and B and C and D and E
and F",
title = "Thoughts", year = 3006}
author = "A and B and C and D and E
and F and G",
title = "Thoughts", year = 3007}
author = "A and B and C and D and E
and F and G and H",
title = "Thoughts", year = 3008}
author = "A and B and C and D and E
and F and G and H and I",
title = "Thoughts", year = 3009}
author = "A and B and C and D and E
and F and G and H and I and J",
title = "Thoughts", year = 3010}
author = "A and B and C and D and E
and F and G and H and I and J
and K",
title = "Thoughts", year = 3011}
author = "A and B and C and D and E
and F and G and H and I and J
and K and L",
title = "Thoughts", year = 3012}
author = "A and B and C and D and E
and F and G and H and I and J
and K and L and M",
title = "Thoughts", year = 3013}
author = "A and B and C and D and E
and F and G and H and I and J
and K and L and M and N",
title = "Thoughts", year = 3014}
author = "A and B and C and D and E
and F and G and H and I and J
and K and L and M and N and O",
title = "Thoughts", year = 3015}
author = "A and B and C and D and E
and F and G and H and I and J
and K and L and M and N and O
and P",
title = "Thoughts", year = 3016}
author = "A and B and C and D and E
and F and G and H and I and J
and K and L and M and N and O
and P and Q",
title = "Thoughts", year = 3017}
author = "A and B and C and D and E
and F and G and H and I and J
and K and L and M and N and O
and P and Q and R",
title = "Thoughts", year = 3018}
author = "A and B and C and D and E
and F and G and H and I and J
and K and L and M and N and O
and P and Q and R and S",
title = "Thoughts", year = 3019}
author = "A and B and C and D and E
and F and G and H and I and J
and K and L and M and N and O
and P and Q and R and S and T",
title = "Thoughts", year = 3020}
author = "A and B and C and D and E
and F and G and H and I and J
and K and L and M and N and O
and P and Q and R and S and T
and U",
title = "Thoughts", year = 3021}
author = "A and B and C and D and E
and F and G and H and I and J
and K and L and M and N and O
and P and Q and R and S and T
and U and V",
title = "Thoughts", year = 3022}
author = "A and B and C and D and E
and F and G and H and I and J
and K and L and M and N and O
and P and Q and R and S and T
and U and V and W",
title = "Thoughts", year = 3023}
author = "A and B and C and D and E
and F and G and H and I and J
and K and L and M and N and O
and P and Q and R and S and T
and U and V and W and X",
title = "Thoughts", year = 3024}
author = "A and B and C and D and E
and F and G and H and I and J
and K and L and M and N and O
and P and Q and R and S and T
and U and V and W and X and Y",
title = "Thoughts", year = 3025}
%% To generate APA6-conforming output, one could also
%% execute the following two lines of code, using BibTeX:
\cite{b3}; \cite{b4}; \cite{b5}. % first citation
\cite{b3}; \cite{b4}; \cite{b5}. % second (and further) citations
\cite{b6}, \cite{b7}, \cite{b8}, \cite{b9},
\cite{b10}, \cite{b11}, \cite{b12}, \cite{b13},
\cite{b14}, \cite{b15}, \cite{b16}, \cite{b17},
\cite{b18}, \cite{b19}, \cite{b20}, \cite{b21},
\cite{b22}, \cite{b23}, \cite{b24}, \cite{b25}.
%%\bibliography{mybib} % for use with apacite package/bib style