\documentclass[border = 5pt]{standalone}
\usetikzlibrary{positioning,arrows, arrows.meta}
\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={scale=0.3}]
% Drawing the main axis with 10 body icons
\draw[<->] (0,6) |- (6.5,0);
\foreach \b\n in {0.5/J,1/I,1.5/H,2/G,2.5/F,3/E,3.5/D,4/C,4.5/B,5/A}{
\node[left=-0.03] (marks) at (0,\b){\rule{10pt}{1pt}};
\node[left=0.15] (bodies) at (0,\b){\body};
\node[left=0.35] at (0,\b){\textbf{\textsf{UC-\n}}};
% Drawing the dotted lines
\foreach \l\s in {1/entry,5.5/exit}{
\draw[densely dotted, cyan] (\l,0) node[below=0.05,black,scale=1.3]{Study \s} -- (\l,6);
% Drawing the horizontal marks
\foreach \t\n\nn in {1.5/2/1, 2/4/2, 2.5/6/3, 3/8/4, 3.5/10/5, 4/12/6, 4.5/14/7, 5/16/8}{
\node[rotate = -90] (marks) at (\t,-0.05){\rule{10pt}{1pt}};
\node[scale=1.5, below, xshift=5pt] at (marks.south east){$\mathrm{\n^{\mathbf{t_{\nn}}}}$};
% Drawing the lines
% Left truncated
\draw[{Ellipse[gray]}-{Ellipse[cyan]}, red, dash pattern = on 2pt off 0.5pt] (0.01,1.5) -- (0.95,1.5) node[midway, above=0.05, black]{Left truncated};
% T = 4
\draw[{Ellipse[gray]}-{Ellipse[cyan]}, red] (1.01,0.5) -- (2,0.5) node[midway, above = 0.05, black]{$T=4$};
% T = 10 (Lost)
\draw[{Circle[gray]}-{Rays[black]}, red] (2,1) -- (4.5,1) node[midway, above=0.05, black]{$T=10$} node[right,black]{Lost};
% T = 10
\draw[{Circle[gray]}-{Rays[black]}, red] (3,2) -- (5.56,2) node[midway, above=0.05, black]{$T=10$};
% T = 5.5
\draw[{Ellipse[gray]}-{Rays[black]}, red] (1.5,2.5) -- (3,2.5) node[midway, above=0.05,black]{$T=5.5$} node[right,black]{Withdrawn};
% T = 18
\draw[{Circle[gray]}-{Rays[black]}, red] (1,3) -- (6,3) node[midway, above=0.05,black]{$T = 18$} node[midway, below=0.05, black]{Event occurred after study period ends};
% T = 6
\draw[{Ellipse[gray]}-{Ellipse[cyan]}, red] (2,3.5) -- (4.5,3.5) node[midway, above=0.05, black]{$T = 6$};
% T = 8
\draw[{Ellipse[gray]}-{Ellipse[cyan]}, red] (1,4) -- (2.75,4) node[midway, above=0.05, black]{$T = 8$};
% T = 4 (Withdrawn)
\draw[{Ellipse[gray]}-{Rays[black]}, red] (1.5,4.5) -- (2.5,4.5) node[midway, above=0.05,black]{$T=4$} node[right,black]{Withdrawn};
% T = 8
\draw[{Circle[gray]}-{Circle[cyan]}, red] (1,5) -- (3,5) node[midway, above=0.05, black]{$T = 8$};
% Right Truncated
\draw[{Ellipse[gray]}-{Ellipse[cyan]}, red, dash pattern = on 2pt off 0.5pt] (5.5,1.5) -- (6.5,1.5) node[midway, above=0.05, black]{Right truncated};
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