我想知道如何删除表格中单词之间的大空格。请参见第 4 行,第二列“与研究问题的相关性”。我希望单词之间只留简单的空格。
\begin{tabular}{ | m{1.5em} | m{3.0cm}| m{11cm} | } % 15.5
\textbf{No. }& \textbf{Criteria} & \textbf{Reason for inclusion} \\
1 & Theoretical papers & Provide the theoretical assumptions to be used in the paper \\
2 & Qualitative empirical studies & capture empirical evidence for the given problem statement \\
3 & Working papers & Ensure coverage of the most current research, valuable when assessing new emerging trends and technology \\
4 & Relevance to the research question & The studies must be directly related to the chosen industry players, how they are meeting consumer demands, digitalization and climate change, as well as theory understating the topic \\
\begin{tabular}{ | c | >{\raggedright}m{3.0cm}| >{\raggedright\arraybackslash}m{11cm} | } % 15.5
\textbf{No. }& \textbf{Criteria} & \textbf{Reason for inclusion} \\
1 & Theoretical papers & Provide the theoretical assumptions to be used in the paper \\
2 & Qualitative empirical studies & capture empirical evidence for the given problem statement \\
3 & Working papers & Ensure coverage of the most current research, valuable when assessing new emerging trends and technology \\
4 & Relevance to the research question & The studies must be directly related to the chosen industry players, how they are meeting consumer demands, digitalization and climate change, as well as theory understating the topic \\
No.& Criteria & Reason for inclusion\\
1 & Theoretical papers & Provide the theoretical assumptions to be used in the paper \\
2 & Qualitative empirical studies & capture empirical evidence for the given problem statement \\
3 & Working papers & Ensure coverage of the most current research, valuable when assessing new emerging trends and technology \\
4 & Relevance to the research question & The studies must be directly related to the chosen industry players, how they are meeting consumer demands, digitalization and climate change, as well as theory understating the topic \\
No.& Criteria & Reason for inclusion\\
1 & Theoretical papers & Provide the theoretical assumptions to be used in the paper \\
2 & Qualitative empirical studies & capture empirical evidence for the given problem statement \\
3 & Working papers & Ensure coverage of the most current research, valuable when assessing new emerging trends and technology \\
4 & Relevance to the research question & The studies must be directly related to the chosen industry players, how they are meeting consumer demands, digitalization and climate change, as well as theory understating the topic \\
\begin{NiceTabular}{ | m[c]{1.5em} | m[l]{3.0cm}| m[l]{11cm} | } % 15.5
\textbf{No. }& \textbf{Criteria} & \textbf{Reason for inclusion} \\
1 & Theoretical papers & Provide the theoretical assumptions to be used in the paper \\
2 & Qualitative empirical studies & capture empirical evidence for the given problem statement \\
3 & Working papers & Ensure coverage of the most current research, valuable when assessing new emerging trends and technology \\
4 & Relevance to the research question & The studies must be directly related to the chosen industry players, how they are meeting consumer demands, digitalization and climate change, as well as theory understating the topic \\