使用 koma 脚本编辑脚注

使用 koma 脚本编辑脚注

我没有找到太多关于如何在 koma 脚本文档中创建脚注样式的信息。这是我第一次尝试后得到的结果。我需要的更难,如下面的示例所示。有没有脚注专家可以帮忙?谢谢,Harald代码输出和我需要的内容

\parindent 7mm



Very small footnotemark.\footnote{\blindtext}
Much bigger footnotemark.\footnote{\blindtext}
This shows what I would need.\footnote{\blindtext}

This shows what I would need.\footnote{\blindtext}



  1. 每个文档手动设置缩进:

    \documentclass[pagesize,parskip=half,DIV=11]{scrartcl}[2022/05/01]% at least KOMA-Script 3.36
    \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}% shouldn't be needed any longer
    \parindent 7mm% Really, paragraph skip _and_ indent???
    \AtBeginDocument{% becaue font initialization usually happens at \begin{document}
      \settowidth{\myfnumwidth}{\footnotesize\bfseries 888\enskip}% in this example 888 is the widest used number
    Very small footnotemark.\footnote{\blindtext}
    Much bigger footnotemark.\footnote{\blindtext}


  2. 根据脚注:

    \documentclass[pagesize,parskip=half,DIV=11]{scrartcl}% at least KOMA-Script 3.36
    \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}% shouldn't be needed any longer
    \parindent 7mm% Really, paragraph skip _and_ indent???
      \settowidth{\myfnumwidth}{\footnotesize\bfseries\thefootnotemark\enskip}% use the needed width of the current number
    Very small footnotemark.\footnote{\blindtext}
    Much bigger footnotemark.\footnote{\blindtext}


  3. 每页自动设置缩进:

    \documentclass[pagesize,parskip=half,DIV=11]{scrartcl}% at least KOMA-Script 3.36
    \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}% shouldn't be needed any longer
    \parindent 7mm% Really, paragraph skip _and_ indent???
      \immediate\write\@auxout{\noexpand\global\noexpand\@namedef{fnnumwidth@\thepage}{\the\myfnnumwidth}}% store the current width for this page in the aux-file
      \@ifundefined{fnnumwidth@\thepage}{}{% if a width for this page has been stored
        \setlength{\myfnnumwidth}{\@nameuse{fnnumwidth@\thepage}}% use it
    Very small footnotemark.\footnote{\blindtext}
    Very small footnotemark.\footnote{\blindtext}
    Very small footnotemark.\footnote{\blindtext}
    Bigger footnotemark.\footnote{\blindtext}
    Bigger footnotemark.\footnote{\blindtext}
    Much bigger footnotemark.\footnote{\blindtext}
    Much, much bigger footnotemark.\footnote{\blindtext}

    请注意,最后一个例子需要至少两次 LaTeX 运行才能显示:


  4. 每份文件自动显示最后使用的脚注编号:

    \documentclass[pagesize,parskip=half,DIV=11]{scrartcl}[2022/05/01]% at least KOMA-Script 3.36
    \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}% shouldn't be needed any longer
    \parindent 7mm% Really, paragraph skip _and_ indent???
    \AddToHook{enddocument/afterlastpage}{% after the final page
      \settowidth{\@tempdima}{\footnotesize\bfseries \thefootnotemark\enskip}% get the width of last footnote number
      \immediate\write\@auxout{\global\noexpand\myfnnumwidth\the\@tempdima\relax}% write it to aux file to be used in next LaTeX run
    Very small footnotemark.\footnote{\blindtext}
    Much bigger footnotemark.\footnote{\blindtext}

    此示例还需要至少两次 LaTeX 运行,如果最后一个脚注编号不是最宽的数字,则将失败。如果您的 LaTeX 早于 2020/10/01,则应将其替换\AddToHook{enddocument/afterlastpage}\BeforeClosingMainAux(有关 的更多信息,请参阅 KOMA-Script 手册\BeforeClosingMainAux)。


  5. 示例 3 与示例 1 的组合 = 脚注文本的静态缩进,但脚注编号在每页最宽脚注的宽度内自动右对齐:

    \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}% shouldn't be needed any longer
    \parindent 7mm% Really, paragraph skip _and_ indent???
    \deffootnote{\myfnindent}{\myfnindent}{% indent of footnote text and paragraphs
      \makebox[\myfnindent][l]{% inside this indent left align a 
        \makebox[\myfnnumwidth][r]{% box of per page number width with right aligned
          \bfseries\thefootnotemark% bold footnote mark
      \settowidth{\myfnnumwidth}{\footnotesize\bfseries\thefootnotemark}% width of current footnote mark
      \immediate\write\@auxout{\noexpand\global\noexpand\@namedef{fnnumwidth@\thepage}{\the\myfnnumwidth}}% write it as current widest per page mark width to aux-file
      \@ifundefined{fnnumwidth@\thepage}{}{% if the aux file has had per page values for this page
        \setlength{\myfnnumwidth}{\@nameuse{fnnumwidth@\thepage}}% use (the last one) as current width of the number bix
      \@gobble% Because the do-hook code expects always has an argument.
    \AtBeginDocument{% becaue font initialization usually happens at \begin{document}
      \settowidth{\myfnindent}{\footnotesize\bfseries 888\enskip}% In this example
                                    % 888 is the widest used number and this is
                                    % used to setup the footnote text indent.
    Very small footnotemark.\footnote{\blindtext}
    Very small footnotemark.\footnote{\blindtext}
    Bigger footnotemark.\footnote{\blindtext}
    Much bigger footnotemark.\footnote{\blindtext}
    Much, much bigger footnotemark.\footnote{\blindtext}


  6. 示例 3 和示例 4 的组合:与上面相同,但自动检测最后一个脚注编号的宽度。为此,在示例 5 中只需替换

    \AtBeginDocument{% becaue font initialization usually happens at \begin{document}
      \settowidth{\myfnindent}{\footnotesize\bfseries 888\enskip}% In this example
                                    % 888 is the widest used number and this is
                                    % used to setup the footnote text indent.


    \AddToHook{enddocument/afterlastpage}{% after the final page
      \settowidth{\@tempdima}{\footnotesize\bfseries \thefootnotemark\enskip}% get the width of last footnote number
      \immediate\write\@auxout{\global\noexpand\myfnindent\the\@tempdima\relax}% write it to aux file to be used in next LaTeX run

有关 的三个长度参数(一个可选,两个强制)的更多信息,请参阅 KOMA-Script 手册中的图 3.1 \deffootnote

有关 的更多信息,请参阅 KOMA-Script 手册第 12.8 节\AddtoDoHook


您要实现的目标可能在 KOMA 脚本手册中有描述。您可以通过texdoc scrguide命令行获得整本书。查看第 3.14 节,那里有一些示例。

\documentclass[ngerman,parskip=half,DIV=11]{scrartcl} % pagesize no longer needed
%\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} %% LaTeX is on UTF-8 as default since some years
\usepackage{babel}% put the language into the documentclass options
%\parindent 7mm

% \newlength{\currentfnumwidth}
% \makeatletter
% \pretocmd{\@footnotetext}{%
%     \settowidth{\currentfnumwidth}{\footnotesize\bfseries\thefootnotemark\quad\enskip}%
%   \deffootnote[\currentfnumwidth]{0em}{1em}{%
%       \bfseries\thefootnotemark\quad\enskip
%   }%
% }{}{}
% \makeatother




Very small footnotemark.\footnote{\blindtext}
Much bigger footnotemark.\footnote{\blindtext}
This shows what I would need.\footnote{\blindtext}

This shows what I would need.\footnote{\blindtext}


PDF 截图
