

我正在读这篇文章如何在标题页上添加垂直线和数字?,我需要像这样处理图像(3 个图像:一个在垂直线的左侧,一个在右侧,一个在左侧底部;centering文本;lengthen整个页面上的垂直线)。


    \textcolor{black!70!black}{\rule[-0.9\textheight]{1pt}{0.9\textheight}} % Vertical line
     {\Huge\bfseries My title} \\[3cm]
     {\Large Some more text}\\[6cm]
The quick brown fox jumps right over the lazy dog. the quick brown fox 
  jumps right over the lazy dog. the quick brown fox jumps right over the lazy 
  dog. the quick brown fox jumps right over the lazy dog. the quick brown fox 
  jumps right over the lazy dog. the quick brown fox jumps right over the lazy 
  dog. the quick brown fox jumps right over the lazy dog. the quick brown fox 
  jumps right over the lazy dog.



