

我使用 TeX Live 版本 2022 在 overleaf 中使用以下代码创建了一个表格。

\usepackage[commentColor=black, indLines=false]{algpseudocodex}

\captionof{table}{Transitions and Places of TEG in Fig.\ref{fig:TEG_5_Steps}}
\noindent\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth} { |
  l |
  >{\raggedright\arraybackslash}X |
  c |
  \textbf{Place/Transition} & \textbf{Explanation} & \textbf{Time}  \\
  $T_1$ and $T_{2(n+1)}$  & Robot operation which relates to loadlocks. Transition $T_1$ indicates that wafer unloading from the loadlocks and $T_{2(n+1)}$ means that the robot loads the wafer to the loadlocks. & $w$ \\
  $T_2,T_3,\ldots,T_{2n}, T_{2n+1}$ & Robot performs unloading or loading operation between the steps. & $w$ \\
  $P_k^R$ & Place which indicates the robot movement from a chamber to another one or from the loadlocks to the chambers or vice versa. & $v$
  $P_i^{\prime}$ & The processing or cleaning places which receive the tokens from the clockwise arcs. & $p_i$ or $c_i$
  $P_i^{\prime\prime}$  & The processing or cleaning places which receive the tokens from the counterclockwise arcs. & $p_i$ or $c_i$

然而,表格在页面末尾被截断,如下面的屏幕截图所示。 结果


