我想突出显示数据图下方的区域。第一个区域应位于图下方,y 轴上 8 以上。第二个区域应位于曲线下方,第一个区域下方,y 轴上 6 以上。
这里有一个草图和最小的工作示例(抱歉我的绘画技巧很差 ;) ):
\usetikzlibrary{intersections, pgfplots.fillbetween}
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\addplot[name path=data] table {coordinates.dat};
\path [name path=p8] (0,8) -- (7,8);
\path [name intersections={of=p8 and data, by=m}];
\draw [name path=p80, dashed] (m) -- (7,8);
%\tikzfillbetween[of=p80 and data]{blue, opacity=0.1};
\path [name path=p6] (0,6) -- (7,6);
\path [name intersections={of=p6 and data, by=m}];
\draw [name path=p60, dashed] (m) -- (7,6);
%\tikzfillbetween[of=p60 and data]{red, opacity=0.1};
也许 tikzfill(参见代码)是正确的方法,但我不知道如何限制 x 和 y 轴。
您可以使用该选项intersection segments
(参见 PGFplots 手册中的第 5.7 章“填充之间”):
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\addplot[name path=data] table {coordinates.dat};
\path [name path=p8] (0,8) -- (7,8);
\path [name intersections={of=p8 and data, by=m}];
\draw [name path=p80, dashed] (m) -- (7,8);
\fill [blue, opacity=0.1, intersection segments={of=data and p8,
sequence={L2 -- R2[reverse]}}] -- cycle;
\path [name path=p6] (0,6) -- (7,6);
\path [name intersections={of=p6 and data, by=m}];
\draw [name path=p60, dashed] (m) -- (7,6);
\path [name path=p68, intersection segments={of=data and p6,
sequence={L2 -- R2[reverse]}}] -- cycle;
\fill [red, opacity=0.1, intersection segments={of=p68 and p80,
sequence={L1 -- L3}}] -- cycle;
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\documentclass[tikz, border=1cm]{standalone}
\clip plot file {coordinates.dat} |- cycle;
\filldraw[fill=red!40, dashed] (0,6-|current axis.south west) rectangle (current axis.north east);
\filldraw[fill=blue!40, dashed] (0,8-|current axis.south west) rectangle (current axis.north east);
\addplot+[thick] table {coordinates.dat};