由于某些原因(为了让节点影响 tikzcd 中指向它的箭头的样式),我需要执行一段代码,该代码读取\tikzlastnode
以获取 tikz(cd) 矩阵中当前位置的名称,但这仅在创建节点后定义。不幸的是,append after command
需要一条路径(空路径显然不是有效输入),所以我需要创建一个假的空节点才能执行一条路径,这听起来真的很肮脏,我担心它可能会导致问题(添加空间,干扰下一个路径……)。我们可以在append after command
A \rar[/utils/exec={\message{BBBBB The message above (AAAA) should be equal to \tikzcd@ar@target}}, draw=\myfillcolor] & |[append after command={
%%% Creating an empty node + /utils/exec sounds really dirty:
\message{AAAA I need to have access to the name of the current node \tikzlastnode}%
] {}
]| B
有人提议了\pgfextra ... \endpgfextra
A \rar[/utils/exec={\message{BBBBB The message above (AAAA) should be equal to \tikzcd@ar@target}}, draw=\myfillcolor] & |[append after command={%
\pgfextra% this syntax with \endpgfextra completely turns off the tikz syntax, that might be safer than \pgfextra{...}.
\message{AAAA I need to have access to the name of the current node \tikzlastnode}%
}]| B