(ii) 论文 2 的标题字体较小,并且未显示第二篇论文的作者所属机构,如下图所示。有人能帮我修复这些错误吗?谢谢。
\hypersetup{colorlinks = true,linkcolor = blue,filecolor = magenta,%
urlcolor = cyan, citecolor = blue, unicode = true,}
\providecommand{\keywords}[1]{\textbf{\textit{Keywords: }} #1}
\title{TITLE OF PAPER 1}
\author[1]{Nguyen Van One}
\affil[1]{Victoria University, New Zealand}
Abstract of paper 1 here.
\keywords{Climate change, Mekong Delta}
Text for section of introduction. Cite for paper 1. \cite{greenwade93}
% End of paper 1
% Paper 2
\title{TITLE OF PAPER 2}
\author[2]{Nguyen Van Two}
\affil[2]{Western Sydney University, Australia}
Abstract of paper 2 here.
\keywords{Vulnerability, Resilience}
Text for section of introduction. Cite for paper 2. \cite{dirac}
author = "George D. Greenwade",
title = "The {C}omprehensive {T}ex {A}rchive {N}etwork ({CTAN})",
year = "1993",
journal = "TUGBoat",
volume = "14",
number = "3",
pages = "342--351"
title = {The Principles of Quantum Mechanics},
author = {Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac},
isbn = {9780198520115},
series = {International series of monographs on physics},
year = {1981},
publisher = {Clarendon Press},
keywords = {physics}
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s 将不同论文的参考书目分开。refsection
s 允许您在同一文档中生成完全独立的引文和参考书目。
在这种情况下,这应该像将每张纸包裹在 中一样简单\begin{refsection}...\end{refsection}
是当前 的本地refsection
s,则应使用 Biber 作为后端,而不是 BibTeX。虽然 BibTeX 确实支持多个引用部分,但您需要的编译器设置要复杂得多,因为 BibTeX 需要在不同的.aux
)。另一方面,Biber 只需运行一次。
\hypersetup{colorlinks = true,linkcolor = blue,filecolor = magenta,%
urlcolor = cyan, citecolor = blue, unicode = true,}
\providecommand{\keywords}[1]{\textbf{\textit{Keywords: }} #1}
\title{TITLE OF PAPER 1}
\author[1]{Nguyen Van One}
\affil[1]{Victoria University, New Zealand}
Abstract of paper 1 here.
\keywords{Climate change, Mekong Delta}
Text for section of introduction. Cite for paper 1. \cite{sigfridsson}
% End of paper 1
% Paper 2
\title{TITLE OF PAPER 2}
\author[2]{Nguyen Van Two}
\affil[2]{Western Sydney University, Australia}
Abstract of paper 2 here.
\keywords{Vulnerability, Resilience}
Text for section of introduction. Cite for paper 2. \cite{worman}