使用规则样式时,pandoc-crossref 子图引用会偏离一个

使用规则样式时,pandoc-crossref 子图引用会偏离一个

我正在使用 pandoc(版本 2.19.2)编写文档。我想使用ruled浮动样式,类似于自动应用于pandoc-crossref代码块(转换为codelisting浮点数)的样式。float软件包文档说使用这些命令将此样式应用于图形和表格:



下面是一个例子(image.png只是一个占位符- 任何图像都可以):

subfigGrid: true
lof: true


# My first chapter

This is an intro chapter. It references [@fig:example1], [@fig:example2a] and also [@fig:example2b].

![Image 1](image.png){#fig:example1}

<div id="fig:example2">
![Image 2a](image.png){#fig:example2a width=45%}
![Image 2b](image.png){#fig:example2b width=45%}

Example with subfigures


pandoc --filter=pandoc-crossref --citeproc --standalone --pdf-engine=xelatex -o sample.pdf sample.md


  • 图表列表显示了正确的数字
  • 字幕显示正确的数字
  • 文中的参考文献没有:


请注意,它说的是fig. 1.1a和,而fig. 1.1b应该说的是1.2a1.2b



更新:这是生成的 TeX 输出(使用pandoc --filter=pandoc-crossref --citeproc --standalone -o sample.tex sample.md

% Options for packages loaded elsewhere
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\else % if luatex or xetex
% Use upquote if available, for straight quotes in verbatim environments
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}{% if KOMA class
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% Correct order of tables after \paragraph or \subparagraph
% Allow footnotes in longtable head/foot
% Scale images if necessary, so that they will not overflow the page
% margins by default, and it is still possible to overwrite the defaults
% using explicit options in \includegraphics[width, height, ...]{}
% Set default figure placement to htbp
\setlength{\emergencystretch}{3em} % prevent overfull lines
\setcounter{secnumdepth}{-\maxdimen} % remove section numbering
\renewcommand*\listfigurename{List of Figures}
\renewcommand*\listtablename{List of Tables}
\g@addto@macro\global@pandoccrossref@subfigures@footnotes{, {##1}}%
\newcommand*\listoflistings{\listof{codelisting}{List of Listings}}
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\IfFileExists{xurl.sty}{\usepackage{xurl}}{} % add URL line breaks if available
\urlstyle{same} % disable monospaced font for URLs
  pdfcreator={LaTeX via pandoc}}




\section{My first chapter}\label{my-first-chapter}}

This is an intro chapter. It references fig.~\ref{fig:example1},
fig.~\ref{fig:example2a} and also fig.~\ref{fig:example2b}.

\caption{Image 1}\label{fig:example1}



\caption[{Example with subfigures}]{Example with subfigures}




更新 2:我发现\restylefloat*该命令的版本(不移动标题)不会导致这个编号问题,但我需要弄清楚如何处理标题。




\section{My first chapter}\label{my-first-chapter}

This is an intro chapter. It references fig.~\ref{fig:example1},
fig.~\ref{fig:example2a} and also fig.~\ref{fig:example2b}.

\caption{Image 1}\label{fig:example1}

\subfloat[Image 2a]{\includegraphics[width=0.45\textwidth]{example-image-b}\label{fig:example2a}}
\subfloat[Image 2b]{\includegraphics[width=0.45\textwidth]{example-image-b}\label{fig:example2b}}
\caption[{Example with subfigures}]{Example with subfigures}



\ProvidesPackage{subfig}[2023/03/20 v1.0 subfig -> subcaption]
\expandafter\let\csname [email protected]\endcsname\@undefined % needed for older versions of subcaption package




subfigGrid: true
lof: true
header-includes: |

# My first chapter

This is an intro chapter. It references [@fig:example1], [@fig:example2a] and also [@fig:example2b].

![Image 1](image.png){#fig:example1}

<div id="fig:example2">
![Image 2a](image.png){#fig:example2a width=45%}
![Image 2b](image.png){#fig:example2b width=45%}

Example with subfigures

生成以下 TeX 输出:

% Options for packages loaded elsewhere
  \usepackage{textcomp} % provide euro and other symbols
\else % if luatex or xetex
% Use upquote if available, for straight quotes in verbatim environments
\IfFileExists{microtype.sty}{% use microtype if available
  \UseMicrotypeSet[protrusion]{basicmath} % disable protrusion for tt fonts
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    \setlength{\parskip}{6pt plus 2pt minus 1pt}}
}{% if KOMA class
\usepackage{calc} % for calculating minipage widths
% Correct order of tables after \paragraph or \subparagraph
% Allow footnotes in longtable head/foot
% Scale images if necessary, so that they will not overflow the page
% margins by default, and it is still possible to overwrite the defaults
% using explicit options in \includegraphics[width, height, ...]{}
% Set default figure placement to htbp
\setlength{\emergencystretch}{3em} % prevent overfull lines
\setcounter{secnumdepth}{-\maxdimen} % remove section numbering
\renewcommand*\listfigurename{List of Figures}
\renewcommand*\listtablename{List of Tables}
\g@addto@macro\global@pandoccrossref@subfigures@footnotes{, {##1}}%
\newcommand*\listoflistings{\listof{codelisting}{List of Listings}}
  \usepackage{selnolig}  % disable illegal ligatures
\IfFileExists{xurl.sty}{\usepackage{xurl}}{} % add URL line breaks if available
\urlstyle{same} % disable monospaced font for URLs
  pdfcreator={LaTeX via pandoc}}



\section{My first chapter}\label{my-first-chapter}}

This is an intro chapter. It references fig.~\ref{fig:example1},
fig.~\ref{fig:example2a} and also fig.~\ref{fig:example2b}.

\caption{Image 1}\label{fig:example1}



\caption[{Example with subfigures}]{Example with subfigures}





