编辑:我将使用它的文档是我的讲义,它将有 900 帧,并且我将在相当一部分帧(~20%)中使用提供的命令,因此希望有一个可以很好地扩展到大型文档的机制。
\newcommand{\omcolorA}[1]{\textcolor{teal} {#1}}
\newcommand{\omcolorB}[1]{\textcolor{purple} {#1}}
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/679551/12212
\item A random sample of ten people from the US will \docolorOnAA{on average} produce
five men and five women, but... \uncover<+->{ any given trial is likely to over-represent one sex and underrepresent
the other.}
\item Analogy: if you flip a fair coin 10 times, \docolorOnAA{on average} you'll get 5
heads and 5 tails, but... \uncover<+->{ sometimes we might get 7 heads and 3 tails, and other times 8 tails
and 2 heads.}
\item What does ``\dotriggerAA{on average}'' mean above?
\item It means that if we were to take a lot of samples.... blah blah.
\item A random sample of ten people from the US will \docolorOnAA{on average} produce
five men and five women, but... \uncover<+->{ any given trial is likely to over-represent one sex and underrepresent
the other.}
\item Analogy: if you flip a fair coin 10 times, \docolorOnAA{on average} you'll get 5
heads and 5 tails, but... \uncover<+->{ sometimes we might get 7 heads and 3 tails, and other times 8 tails
and 2 heads.}
\item misc
\item misc
\item ...
\item What does ``\dotriggerAA{on average}'' mean above?
\item It means that if we were to take a lot of samples.... blah blah.
您可以将想要显示组的幻灯片编号写入.aux 文件,并在第二次编译时检索它。
,,)。如果您需要更多,请将行中的替换 \groupB
为所需的组数(不要使用大于 26 的数字)。\groupC
\loop\ifnum\value{MaxRevealGroup} < 3
\expandafter\newcommand\csname revealGroup#1\endcsname[1]{%
\expandafter\newcommand\csname group#1\endcsname[1]{%
\ifcsname revealgroup@Group#1-Frame\theframenumber\endcsname
\alert<\csname revealgroup@Group#1-Frame\theframenumber\endcsname>{##1}%
\loop\ifnum\value{MaxRevealGroup} < 3
\item A random sample of ten people from the US will \groupA{on average} produce
five men and five women, but... \uncover<+->{ any given trial is likely to over-represent one sex and underrepresent
the other.}
\item Analogy: if you flip a fair coin 10 times, \groupA{on average} you'll get 5
heads and 5 tails, but... \uncover<+->{ sometimes we might get 7 heads and 3 tails, and other times 8 tails
and 2 heads.}
\item What does ``\revealGroupA{on average}'' mean above?
\item It means that if we were to take a lot of samples.... blah blah.
\item A random sample of ten people from the US will \groupA{on average} produce
five men and five women, but... \uncover<+->{ any given trial is likely to over-represent one sex and underrepresent
the other.}
\item Analogy: if you flip a fair coin 10 times, \groupA{on average} you'll get 5
heads and 5 tails, but... \uncover<+->{ sometimes we might get 7 heads and 3 tails, and other times 8 tails
and 2 heads.}
\item It means that if we were to take a lot of samples.... blah blah.
\item What does ``\revealGroupA{on average}'' mean above?
\item A random sample of ten people from the US will \groupB{on average} produce
five men and five women, but... \uncover<+->{ any given trial is likely to over-represent one sex and underrepresent
the other.}
\item Analogy: if you flip a fair coin 10 times, \groupB{on average} you'll get 5
heads and 5 tails, but... \uncover<+->{ sometimes we might get 7 heads and 3 tails, and other times 8 tails
and 2 heads.}
\item What does ``\revealGroupB{on average}'' mean above?
\item It means that if we were to take a lot of samples.... blah blah.
\expandafter\newcommand\csname revealGroup#1\endcsname[1]{%
\expandafter\newcommand\csname group#1\endcsname[1]{%
\alt<\csname revealgroup@Group#1-Frame\theframenumber\endcsname>{\textcolor{#2}{##1}}{##1}%
\item A random sample of ten \groupB{people} from the US will \groupA{on average} \groupC{produce}
five men and five women, but... \uncover<+->{ any given trial is likely to over-represent one sex and underrepresent
the other.}
\item Analogy: if you flip a fair coin 10 times, \groupA{on average} you'll \revealGroupC{get 5}
heads and 5 tails, but... \uncover<+->{ sometimes we might get 7 heads and 3 tails, and other times 8 tails
and 2 heads.}
\item What does ``\revealGroupA{on average}'' mean above? \revealGroupB{blah blah}.
\item It means that if we were to take a lot of samples....
\item A random sample of ten people from the US will \groupA{on average} produce
five men and five women, but... \uncover<+->{ any given trial is likely to over-represent one sex and underrepresent
the other.}
\item Analogy: if you flip a fair coin 10 times, \groupA{on average} you'll get 5
heads and 5 tails, but... \uncover<+->{ sometimes we might get 7 heads and 3 tails, and other times 8 tails
and 2 heads.}
\item It means that if we were to take a lot of samples.... blah blah.
\item What does ``\revealGroupA{on average}'' mean above?
您必须手动维护使用该功能的框架列表,在评论下% list all frames here on which you use the overlay groups
% list all frames here on which you use the overlay groups
\item A random sample of ten people from the US will \groupA{on average} produce
five men and five women, but... \uncover<+->{ any given trial is likely to over-represent one sex and underrepresent
the other.}
\item Analogy: if you flip a fair coin 10 times, \groupA{on average} you'll get 5
heads and 5 tails, but... \uncover<+->{ sometimes we might get 7 heads and 3 tails, and other times 8 tails
and 2 heads.}
\item What does ``\revealGroupA{on average}'' mean above?
\item It means that if we were to take a lot of samples.... blah blah.
\frametitle{Next Frame}
\item A random sample of ten people from the US will \groupA{on average} produce
five men and five women, but... \uncover<+->{ any given trial is likely to over-represent one sex and underrepresent
the other.}
\item What does ``\revealGroupA{on average}'' mean above?
\item It means that if we were to take a lot of samples.... blah blah.