3 列页面,左/0 和右/2 部分-子部分-子部分编号问题

3 列页面,左/0 和右/2 部分-子部分-子部分编号问题


  1. left/0 列包含一个采用连续编号方案的节、子节和子子节。
  2. 中心/1 列图形工作流程。
  3. 右/2 列有小节、小小节和项目。(此处编号方案不是从“左/0 列”开始的)





\begin{paracol}{3} % Create 3 columns
\switchcolumn[0]* % Switch to the left column (0-indexed)

\section{Quick Change Task Form}
\subsection{Key Details on the Publication Form}
\subsubsection{Title: automatically set at assigned by workflow}
\subsubsection{RequestID: new numbering scheme automatically set by workflow.}
\subsubsection{Requested By: the person who submitted the request.}
\subsubsection{Assigned To: the assigned person defined during assignment by Standards Manager.}
\subsubsection{Peer Reviewer: the peer reviewer defined during assignment by Standards Manager.}
\subsubsection{Status: automatically set by workflow.}
\subsubsection{Open Date: date in which the quick-change task was created; automatically set by workflow.}
\subsubsection{Revision Date: date in which the last revision to the quick-change task took place; automatically set by workflow.}
\subsubsection{Target Date: target resolution date defined during the assignment by Standards Manager.}
\subsubsection{Hide Attachments: Show/hide the attachments section.}

% Store the last subsubsection counter value

\switchcolumn[2] % Switch to the left column (0-indexed)

% Restore the stored subsubsection counter value

\subsection{Quick Change Task Overview}
\item Task is created from a closed ETSR
\item Alternatively, Standards team members can submit a request.
\item Also automatically created as part of a Project if the “Create Quick Change” checkbox is checked when creating development tasks during Planning.
\item Status = Submitted.
\item Standards Manager sets Assigned To, approver, and publisher, as well as other assignment details.
\item RTL is responsible for defining assignment details for quick-change tasks that are part of a project.
\item Status changes to assigned
\item Alternatively, standards manager can close right away
\item Assigned to drafts the deliverables to meet the scope of the request.
\item Assigned to resolves the quick-change tasks and adds resolution details
\item If development, status changes to under review
\item Other resolution options include moved to dashboard, deferred, duplicate, not accepted, and no longer needed; status changes to closed.
\item The quick-change tasks process does not include a peer review.
\item If approval is required (decided by standards manager during assignment), the approver reviews the quick-change task and adds approval details.
\item If not approved, quick-change task is assigned to, status changed to assigned, and the process repeats.
\item If approved, status changes to awaiting publishing.
\item Publisher moves the completed deliverables to the appropriate publication location and adds publishing details.
\item Status changes to published.

\switchcolumn[1] % Switch to the left column (0-indexed)


% Define block and line styles
\tikzstyle{block} = [rectangle, draw, fill=gray!25, text=black, text width=6em, text centered, rounded corners, minimum height=5em]
\tikzstyle{line} = [draw, -latex']

% Create the TikZ picture environment
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance = 3.5cm, auto]

    % Creates the blocks
    \node [block, fill=gray!25] (sec1) {Creation};
    \node [block, fill=red!25!gray!85, below of=sec1] (sec2) {Assignment};
    \node [block, fill=red!35!gray!45, below of=sec2] (sec3) {Development};
    \node [block, fill=red!45!gray!55, below of=sec3] (sec4) {No Peer Review};
    \node [block, fill=red!55!gray!65, below of=sec4] (sec5) {Approval};
    \node [block, fill=red!65!gray!75, below of=sec5] (sec6) {Publishing};

% Connect the blocks with lines
\path [line] (sec1) -- (sec2);
\path [line] (sec2) -- (sec3);
\path [line] (sec3) -- (sec4);
\path [line] (sec4) -- (sec5);
\path [line] (sec5) -- (sec6);

\end{paracol}{3} % Create 3 columns








\begin{paracol}{3} % Create 3 columns
\switchcolumn[0]* % Switch to the left column (0-indexed)

\section{Quick Change Task Form}
\subsection{Key Details on the Publication Form}
\subsubsection{Title: automatically set at assigned by workflow}
\subsubsection{RequestID: new numbering scheme automatically set by workflow.}

\switchcolumn[2] % Switch to the left column (0-indexed)

\subsection{Quick Change Task Overview}
\item Task is created from a closed ETSR
\item Alternatively, Standards team members can submit a request.
\item Also automatically created as part of a Project if the “Create Quick Change” checkbox is checked when creating development tasks during Planning.
\item Status = Submitted.
\item Standards Manager sets Assigned To, approver, and publisher, as well as other assignment details.
\item RTL is responsible for defining assignment details for quick-change tasks that are part of a project.
\item Status changes to assigned
\item Alternatively, standards manager can close right away

\switchcolumn[1] % Switch to the left column (0-indexed)


% Define block and line styles
\tikzstyle{block} = [rectangle, draw, fill=gray!25, text=black, text width=6em, text centered, rounded corners, minimum height=5em]
\tikzstyle{line} = [draw, -latex']

% Create the TikZ picture environment
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance = 3.5cm, auto]

    % Creates the blocks
    \node [block, fill=gray!25] (sec1) {Creation};
    \node [block, fill=red!25!gray!85, below of=sec1] (sec2) {Assignment};
    \node [block, fill=red!35!gray!45, below of=sec2] (sec3) {Development};
    \node [block, fill=red!45!gray!55, below of=sec3] (sec4) {No Peer Review};
    \node [block, fill=red!55!gray!65, below of=sec4] (sec5) {Approval};
    \node [block, fill=red!65!gray!75, below of=sec5] (sec6) {Publishing};

% Connect the blocks with lines
\path [line] (sec1) -- (sec2);
\path [line] (sec2) -- (sec3);
\path [line] (sec3) -- (sec4);
\path [line] (sec4) -- (sec5);
\path [line] (sec5) -- (sec6);


编译后的代码显示第 1 列从第 1 节开始,第 3 列从第 1.2 小节开始
