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\title{\textbf{Course Title} \\
\businessAddress{\emph{Room}: TBD \\ \emph{Time}: Tuesday/Thursday
\emph{Prerequisites}: None
\href{mailto:[email protected]}{\color{gray}{[email protected]}}\\
\emph{Office Hour}: Thu 11:00am-Noom, sign up
TBD, or by appointment.\\
\textbf{TA}: TBD\\
\emph{Office Hour}: TBD, Room: TBD \\
\hspace{2.5cm}or by appointment. \\
\textbf{{\Large Overview and Course Goals}}\\
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\title{\textbf{Course Title} \\
\businessAddress{\emph{Room}: TBD \\ \emph{Time}: Tuesday/Thursday
\emph{Prerequisites}: None
\href{mailto:[email protected]}{\color{gray}{[email protected]}}\\
\emph{Office Hour}: Thu 11:00am-Noon, sign up
TBD, or by appointment.\\
\textbf{TA}: TBD\\
\emph{Office Hour}: TBD, Room: TBD \\
\hspace{2.5cm} or by appointment. \\
\textbf{{\Large Overview and Course Goals}}\\