删除相邻章节和小节之间的间距 (titlesec)

删除相邻章节和小节之间的间距 (titlesec)

我正在构建章节和子章节。子章节上的 beforesep 通常很可取,但如果子章节在章节之后直接调用,则不合适。有什么方法可以解决这个问题吗?

我曾尝试使用\pretocmdetoolbox 执行此操作,但不幸的是没有按预期工作。请参阅下面的 MWE。期望的结果是第 1 节和第 1 小节之间没有空格,但“此处有一些文本(第 1 小节)”和第 2 小节之间有标准空格:


% Define a toggle to check if a section was just created

% Formatting the section titles
  {\toggletrue{aftersection}} % Set the toggle to true after creating a section

% Formatting the subsection titles

% Adjusting the space before and after section titles
  {0pt} % left
  {2ex} % beforesep
  {1ex} % aftersep

% Adjusting the space before and after subsection titles
  {0pt} % left
  {0pt} % beforesep (set to 0pt initially)
  {0.5ex} % aftersep

% Update the spacing before subsections depending on the toggle
    \vspace{-2cm} % Remove the space before the subsection
    \togglefalse{aftersection} % Reset the toggle
    \vspace{2cm} % Add the space before the subsection
}{\typeout{Success}}{\typeout{Failed to patch \string\subsection}}


\section{Section 1}

\subsection{Subsection 1}
Some text here.

\subsection{Subsection 2}
Some more text here.



