parbox 之间的间距分布不均匀

parbox 之间的间距分布不均匀

我对 Latex 还不太熟悉,不确定我的问题的解决方法是否显而易见。我试图让这些 parboxes 的行间距均匀分布;项目与其描述以及描述与下一个项目名称之间的距离相同。描述有多行似乎有点混乱。此外,即使我将基线设置为字体大小的 1.2 倍,'g' 或 'y' 也会增加间距。

% remove indentation of the first line of a paragraph
% set the length of spacing between paragraphs



\Entry{Item 1}{100}{Description 1}
\Entry{Item 2}{120}{Description 2}
\Entry{Item 3}{120}{word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word }
\Entry{Item 4}{120}{Description 4}
\Entry{Item 5}{120}{Description 5 that is so long that it gets split up into multiple lines.}
\Entry{Item 6}{120}{Description 6 that is so long that it gets split up into multiple lines.}
\Entry{Item 7}{120}{Description 7}
\Entry{Item 8}{180}{word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word with g or y }
\Entry{Item name with y or g}{120}{Description 9}
\Entry{Item name with y or g}{120}{}
\Entry{Item name with y or g}{120}{}
\Entry{Item }{120}{}
\Entry{Item 10}{120}{Description 10}




% remove indentation of the first line of a paragraph
% set the length of spacing between paragraphs

                \par\rightskip0.2\linewidth #3\par
    % \medskip % better no to separate items ?


\Entry{Item 1}{100}{Description 1}
\Entry{Item 2}{120}{Description 2}
\Entry{Item 3}{120}{word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word }
\Entry{Item 4}{120}{Description 4}
\Entry{Item 5}{120}{Description 5 that is so long that it gets split up into multiple lines.}
\Entry{Item 6}{120}{Description 6 that is so long that it gets split up into multiple lines.}
\Entry{Item 7}{120}{Description 7}
\Entry{Item 8}{180}{word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word with g or y }
\Entry{Item name with y or g}{120}{Description 9}
\Entry{Item 10}{120}{Description 10}




