如何在 Latex Expressive Resume 中添加技能部分

如何在 Latex Expressive Resume 中添加技能部分

我只想用 Latex 在我的简历中添加技能部分富有表现力的简历 像这个在此处输入图片描述


\usepackage[margin=1cm]{geometry} % set margins of document; not necessary
\usepackage{xcolor} % just for demo; not necessary

            \item[Languages:] C, Python, Matlab, TCL scripting
            \item[Logic Synthesis:] DC(synopsys), Genus(Cadence)
            \item[Signoff tools:] StarRC, PrimeTime, Calibre, Virtuoso
            \item[Physical Verification:] LVS, DRC, ERC, Density rules
            \item[HDL:] Verilog, VHDL
            \item[Place \& Route:] ICC(Synopsys), Innovus(Cadence)
            \item[FE Tools:] Vivado, VCS, QuestaSim, HSpice
            \item[Technologies:] Linux, GitHub, Git, \LaTeX\textcolor{red}{, some more to show you how a linebreak looks like and how the spacing is adapted such that both columns have the same height}

