\textsf{CHEM 2410 $-$ Physical Chemistry II} \\
\textsf{Final Exam Review Notes} \\
\section*{Chapter 6}
\begin{tcolorbox}[colback=Ivory,colframe=Zaffre!75!black, sharp corners]
\textbf{Extent of Reaction} \hfill $d\xi=\displaystyle\frac{dn_A}{v_A}$
\begin{tcolorbox}[colback=Ivory,colframe=Zaffre!75!black, sharp corners]
\textbf{Gibbs Reaction Energy} \hspace*{\fill}
\Delta_r G &= \left(\displaystyle\frac{\partial G}{\partial \xi} \right)_{p,T}\\
\Delta_r G &= \mu_A - \mu_B\\
\Delta_r G &= \Delta_r G^{\theta} + RT \ln Q
\item $\Delta_r G < 0 \iff$ \textbf{exergonic} $\iff$ \textbf{forward spontaneous}
\item $\Delta_r G > 0 \iff$ \textbf{endergonic} $\iff$ \textbf{reverse spontaneous}
\item $\Delta_r G = 0 \iff$ \textbf{equilibrium}
我想让吉布斯反应方程框看起来像反应程度方程框。对齐环境会增加垂直空间并使方程居中,但这并不是我想要的。但是,我确实希望 = 符号对齐,但在右侧。有什么简单的解决方案吗?
你可能正在寻找$\begin{aligned} ... \end{aligned}$
\colorlet{Ivory}{white!50!orange}% ...or whatever
\colorlet{Zaffre}{blue!75!white}% ...or whatever
CHEM 2410 $-$ Physical Chemistry II \\
Final Exam Review Notes \\
\section*{Chapter 6}
\begin{tcolorbox}[colback=Ivory,colframe=Zaffre!75!black, sharp corners]
\textbf{Extent of Reaction} \hfill $d\xi = \dfrac{dn_A}{v_A}$
\begin{tcolorbox}[colback=Ivory,colframe=Zaffre!75!black, sharp corners]
\textbf{Gibbs Reaction Energy} \hfill
\Delta_r G &= \biggl( \dfrac{\partial G}{\partial \xi} \biggr)_{p,T}\\
\Delta_r G &= \mu_A - \mu_B\\
\Delta_r G &= \Delta_r G^{\theta} + RT \ln Q
\item $\Delta_r G < 0 \iff \textbf{exergonic} \iff \textbf{forward spontaneous}$
\item $\Delta_r G > 0 \iff \textbf{endergonic} \iff \textbf{reverse spontaneous}$
\item $\Delta_r G = 0 \iff \textbf{equilibrium}$