BibLaTeX + Biber 发现太多 citekeys

BibLaTeX + Biber 发现太多 citekeys

我正在使用 TeXstudio 构建 PDFLaTeX 文件,并以 biblatex+biber 作为后端。




TeXstudio 应该正确设置为默认使用 biber(选项、配置、构建、默认书目工具是 Biber)。

现在的问题是:我尝试使用 \cite{} 添加 5 个引用键,但是 biber 找到了 9 个引用键

Process started: "C:/Users/lucam/AppData/Local/Programs/MiKTeX/miktex/bin/x64/biber.exe" "main"

INFO - This is Biber 2.19
INFO - Logfile is 'main.blg'
INFO - Reading 'main.bcf'
INFO - Found 9 citekeys in bib section 0
INFO - Processing section 0
INFO - Looking for bibtex file 'bibliography.bib' for section 0
INFO - LaTeX decoding ...
INFO - Found BibTeX data source 'bibliography.bib'
INFO - Overriding locale 'en-US' defaults 'normalization = NFD' with 'normalization = prenormalized'
INFO - Overriding locale 'en-US' defaults 'variable = shifted' with 'variable = non-ignorable'
INFO - Sorting list 'none/global//global/global' of type 'entry' with template 'none' and locale 'en-US'
INFO - No sort tailoring available for locale 'en-US'
INFO - Writing 'main.bbl' with encoding 'UTF-8'
INFO - Output to main.bbl
Process exited normally

我不知道如何解决这个问题(就上下文而言,.bib 文件中有超过 70 个项目,因此不能简单地打印出所有内容)。







对于这个简单的例子,它找到了 5 个引用键(1 个是正确的,其他 4 个与我尝试运行论文时添加的 4 个相同)。在 .bib 文件中,除其他内容外,还有 biber 找到的项目。第一个项目是所需的项目

  title = {Destroying Superconductivity in Thin Films with an Electric Field},
  author = {Amoretti, Andrea and Brattan, Daniel K. and Magnoli, Nicodemo and Martinoia, Luca and Matthaiakakis, Ioannis and Solinas, Paolo},
  date = {2022-09-19},
  journaltitle = {Physical Review Research},
  shortjournal = {Phys. Rev. Research},
  volume = {4},
  number = {3},
  pages = {033211},
  publisher = {{American Physical Society}},
  doi = {10.1103/PhysRevResearch.4.033211},
  urldate = {2022-09-20},
  abstract = {}

但 biber 还添加了例如

  ids = {sogabe:positivemagnetoresistancea},
  title = {Positive Magnetoresistance Induced by Hydrodynamic Fluctuations in Chiral Media},
  author = {Sogabe, Noriyuki and Yamamoto, Naoki and Yin, Yi},
  date = {2021-09-21},
  journaltitle = {Journal of High Energy Physics},
  shortjournal = {J. High Energ. Phys.},
  volume = {2021},
  number = {9},
  pages = {131},
  issn = {1029-8479},
  doi = {10.1007/JHEP09(2021)131},
  urldate = {2022-06-27},
  langid = {english},
  keywords = {Anomalies in Field and String Theories,Effective Field Theories,Topological States of Matter}
