如何使用 tikz 中的 gnuplot 填充隐式函数给出的区域?

如何使用 tikz 中的 gnuplot 填充隐式函数给出的区域?

f(x,y) = -2 + 3x - y - x^2 - xy - y^2 > 0我想创建一个图,表示 TikZ 中 范围内的区域[-2.5, 2.5] \times [2.5, 2.5]。由于这是一个隐式函数,我认为我必须使用gnuplot,我目前只能绘制f(x,y) = 0,我曾尝试使用:



        \clip (-2.5,-2.5) rectangle (2.5,2.5);
        \draw plot[raw gnuplot, fill=blue!50] function{
        f(x,y) = -2 * 1 +  3 * x +  -1 * y +  -1 * x**2 +  -1 * x*y +  -1 * y**2;
        set view 0,0;
        set isosample 1000, 1000;
        set size square;
        set contour base;
        set cntrparam levels incre 0,0.1,0;
        unset surface;
        splot [-2.5:2.5] [-2.5:2.5] f(x,y);
        \draw (-2.5,-2.5) rectangle (2.5,2.5);




f(x, y) = (\coeff[#1,1] * 1 + \coeff[#1,2] * x + \coeff[#1,3] * y + \coeff[#1,4] * x**2 + \coeff[#1,5] * x*y + \coeff[#1,6] * y**2 > 0)?0:1;


PS 由于我有很多不同的二次方程需要着色,因此我正在寻找一种可以对二次方程进行着色的解决f(x,y)>0方案f(x,y)


问题是 gnu plot 生成了许多短的拉伸而不是一个连续的拉伸。您可以通过查看生成的 .table 文件来看到这一点。您也可以通过将其放置在fill=blue!50其所属的位置来看到这一点,即\draw[fill=blue] plot ...。可能可以说服 gnu plot 在一次拉伸中绘制轮廓。但是,也可以通过分析解决问题。众所周知,隐式二次方程的解导致圆锥曲线。在 tikz 中实现解析解很简单,但很乏味。pic在此代码中,这针对椭圆的情况进行了说明,这是您选择系数后得到的。其他情况类似。在您的用例中,您将得到



\tikzset{declare function={%
    pics/conic section/.style n args={6}{code={%
            % ellipse
            % debug
            \draw[pic actions,rotate around={\mytheta:(\myx,\myy)},shift={(\myx,\myy)}] circle[x radius=\mya,y radius=\myb]; 
            % parabola
            % not implemented
            % hyperbola
            % not implemented
It is well known that the implicit equation 
leads to conic sections, see e.g.\ \url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conic_section}. Depending on the sign of $B^2-4AC$ one obtains an ellipse ($<0$), parabola ($=0$) or hyperbola ($>0$). The ellipse case is discussed in more detail at e.g.\ \url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ellipse#Canonical_form}, where explicit expressions for the axes, shift and rotations in terms of the coefficients of the quadratic equation \eqref{eq:quadratic} are given. This allows one to define a \texttt{pic} that draws the conic section in terms of the parameters. 
        \draw (-2.5,-2.5) rectangle (2.5,2.5);
        \clip (-2.5,-2.5) rectangle (2.5,2.5);
        \path pic[transform shape,fill=blue]{conic section={-1}{-1}{-1}{3}{-1}{-2}};  
        \draw plot[raw gnuplot] function{
        f(x,y) = -2 * 1 +  3 * x +  -1 * y +  -1 * x**2 +  -1 * x*y +  -1 * y**2;
        set view 0,0;
        set isosample 1000, 1000;
        set size square;
        set contour base;
        set cntrparam levels incre 0,0.1,0;
        unset surface;
        splot [-2.5:2.5] [-2.5:2.5] f(x,y);
    \caption{Elliptical conic section.}
