

我想修复这个缩进问题,如下图所示(右图来自我的 MWE)。

右图来自我的 MWE



%%% Ref: https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/613868/293830
  {\topsep}   % ABOVESPACE
  {\topsep}   % BELOWSPACE
  {\upshape\small}  % BODYFONT
  {0pt}       % INDENT (empty value is the same as 0pt)
  {\bfseries\normalsize} % HEADFONT
  {}         % HEADPUNCT
  {1em} % HEADSPACE
  {\thmnumber{#2}.\@ifnotempty{#3}{\hspace{1em}\itshape\thmnote{#3}\newline}} % CUSTOM-HEAD-SPEC






      \item The integral equation for a Bloch function in  periodic potential is given region of integration is confined to.
      \item The integral equation for a Bloch function in  periodic potential is given region of integration is confined to.
   The integral equation for a Bloch function in  periodic potential is given region of integration is confined to.

   The integral equation for a Bloch function in  periodic potential is given region of integration is confined to.
      \item The integral equation for a Bloch function in  periodic potential is given region of integration is confined to.
      \item The integral equation for a Bloch function in  periodic potential is given region of integration is confined to.
   The integral equation for a Bloch function in  periodic potential is given region of integration is confined to.

\begin{problem}[Optional Title]
   The integral equation for a Bloch function in  periodic potential is given region of integration is confined to.
      \item The integral equation for a Bloch function in  periodic potential is given region of integration is confined to.
      \item The integral equation for a Bloch function in  periodic potential is given region of integration is confined to.
   The integral equation for a Bloch function in  periodic potential is given region of integration is confined to.

