


我试图在我的乳胶文档中重新创建这个表格(不完全是,但它的整体外观)。 具有多列和多种单元格颜色的表格

我已经完成了 99%,但是单元格颜色看起来不对。彩色单元格之间有垂直的白色间隙

表格包含多列和多种单元格颜色,使用 latex 编写。彩色单元格之间有白色垂直间隙。


\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.5} % Adjust the vertical padding here

\caption{Architecture Performances}
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{|l|*{2}{>{\centering\arraybackslash}X}|*{2}{>{\centering\arraybackslash}X}|*{2}{>{\centering\arraybackslash}X}|*{2}{>{\centering\arraybackslash}X}|} % Add vertical lines
\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\cellcolor{greyheader}Architecture} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{\cellcolor{greenheader}Accuracy} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{\cellcolor{blueheader}Precision} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{\cellcolor{yellowheader}Recall} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{\cellcolor{orangeheader}F1 Scores} \\
 & \cellcolor{greenheader}TL & \cellcolor{greenheader}PT & \cellcolor{blueheader}TL & \cellcolor{blueheader}PT & \cellcolor{yellowheader}TL & \cellcolor{yellowheader}PT & \cellcolor{orangeheader}TL & \cellcolor{orangeheader}PT \\
\cellcolor{greybody}VGG16 & \cellcolor{greenbody}0.8182 & \cellcolor{greenbody}0.7727 & \cellcolor{bluebody}0.8000 & \cellcolor{bluebody}0.7500 & \cellcolor{yellowbody}0.8000 & \cellcolor{yellowbody}0.7500 & \cellcolor{orangebody}0.8000 & \cellcolor{orangebody}0.7500 \\
\cellcolor{greybody}VGG19 & \cellcolor{greenbody}0.7273 & \cellcolor{greenbody}0.7955 & \cellcolor{bluebody}0.8000 & \cellcolor{bluebody}0.7619 &\cellcolor{yellowbody}0.6000 & \cellcolor{yellowbody}0.8000 & \cellcolor{orangebody}0.6667 & \cellcolor{orangebody}0.7805 \\
\cellcolor{greybody}ResNet50 & \cellcolor{greenbody}0.8409 & \cellcolor{greenbody}0.7045 & \cellcolor{bluebody}0.8824 & \cellcolor{bluebody}0.7059 & \cellcolor{yellowbody}0.7500 & \cellcolor{yellowbody}0.6000 & \cellcolor{orangebody}0.8108 & \cellcolor{orangebody}0.6486 \\
\cellcolor{greybody}ResNet152 & \cellcolor{greenbody}0.8182 & \cellcolor{greenbody}0.6591 & \cellcolor{bluebody}0.9286 & \cellcolor{bluebody}0.6316 & \cellcolor{yellowbody}0.6500 & \cellcolor{yellowbody}0.6000 & \cellcolor{orangebody}0.7647 &\cellcolor{orangebody} 0.6154 \\
\cellcolor{greybody}DenseNet121 & \cellcolor{greenbody}0.8182 & \cellcolor{greenbody}0.8409 & \cellcolor{bluebody}0.8750 & \cellcolor{bluebody}0.7826 & \cellcolor{yellowbody}0.7000 & \cellcolor{yellowbody}0.9000 & \cellcolor{orangebody}0.7778 & \cellcolor{orangebody}0.8372 \\
\cellcolor{greybody}DenseNet201 & \cellcolor{greenbody}0.8636 & \cellcolor{greenbody}0.7955 & \cellcolor{bluebody}0.8889 & \cellcolor{bluebody}0.7619 & \cellcolor{yellowbody}0.8000 & \cellcolor{yellowbody}0.8000 & \cellcolor{orangebody}0.8421 & \cellcolor{orangebody}0.7805 \\


\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.5} % Adjust the vertical padding here

\caption{Architecture Performances}
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{|l|*{2}{>{\centering\arraybackslash}X}|*{2}{>{\centering\arraybackslash}X}|*{2}{>{\centering\arraybackslash}X}|*{2}{>{\centering\arraybackslash}X}|} % Add vertical lines
\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{Architecture} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{Accuracy} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{Precision} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{Recall} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{F1 Scores} \\
 & TL & PT & TL & PT & TL & PT & TL & PT \\
VGG16 & 0.8182 & 0.7727 & 0.8000 & 0.7500 & 0.8000 & 0.7500 & 0.8000 & 0.7500 \\
VGG19 & 0.7273 & 0.7955 & 0.8000 & 0.7619 & 0.6000 & 0.8000 & 0.6667 & 0.7805 \\
ResNet50 & 0.8409 & 0.7045 & 0.8824 & 0.7059 & 0.7500 & 0.6000 & 0.8108 & 0.6486 \\
ResNet152 & 0.8182 & 0.6591 & 0.9286 & 0.6316 & 0.6500 & 0.6000 & 0.7647 & 0.6154 \\
DenseNet121 & 0.8182 & 0.8409 & 0.8750 & 0.7826 & 0.7000 & 0.9000 & 0.7778 & 0.8372 \\
DenseNet201 & 0.8636 & 0.7955 & 0.8889 & 0.7619 & 0.8000 & 0.8000 & 0.8421 & 0.7805 \\



\usepackage{xcolor, tabularray}

\caption{Architecture Performances}
    colspec = { l *{8}{ Q[si={table-format=1.4},c,co=1] } },
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    hline{1} = {2-Z}{},
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    cell{1}{2,4,6,8} = {c=2}{c},
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    cell{2}{1} = {}{gray8},
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    cell{3-Z}{8-9} = {}{brown9},
 & Accuracy & & Precision & & Recall & & F1 Scores & \\
Architecture & TL & PT & TL & PT & TL & PT & TL & PT \\
VGG16 & 0.8182 & 0.7727 & 0.8000 & 0.7500 & 0.8000 & 0.7500 & 0.8000 & 0.7500 \\
VGG19 & 0.7273 & 0.7955 & 0.8000 & 0.7619 & 0.6000 & 0.8000 & 0.6667 & 0.7805 \\
ResNet50 & 0.8409 & 0.7045 & 0.8824 & 0.7059 & 0.7500 & 0.6000 & 0.8108 & 0.6486 \\
ResNet152 & 0.8182 & 0.6591 & 0.9286 & 0.6316 & 0.6500 & 0.6000 & 0.7647 & 0.6154 \\
DenseNet121 & 0.8182 & 0.8409 & 0.8750 & 0.7826 & 0.7000 & 0.9000 & 0.7778 & 0.8372 \\
DenseNet201 & 0.8636 & 0.7955 & 0.8889 & 0.7619 & 0.8000 & 0.8000 & 0.8421 & 0.7805 \\




无论您使用什么 PDF,无论缩放级别如何,您都不会看到细白线。



\caption{Architecture Performances}
    & \Block{1-2}{Accuracy} & & \Block{1-2}{Precision} & & \Block{1-2}{Recall} & & \Block{1-2}{F1 Scores} & \\
   Architecture & {TL} & {PT} & {TL} & {PT} & {TL} & {PT} & {TL} & {PT} \\
   VGG16 & 0.8182 & 0.7727 & 0.8000 & 0.7500 & 0.8000 & 0.7500 & 0.8000 & 0.7500 \\
   VGG19 & 0.7273 & 0.7955 & 0.8000 & 0.7619 & 0.6000 & 0.8000 & 0.6667 & 0.7805 \\
   ResNet50 & 0.8409 & 0.7045 & 0.8824 & 0.7059 & 0.7500 & 0.6000 & 0.8108 & 0.6486 \\
   ResNet152 & 0.8182 & 0.6591 & 0.9286 & 0.6316 & 0.6500 & 0.6000 & 0.7647 & 0.6154 \\
   DenseNet121 & 0.8182 & 0.8409 & 0.8750 & 0.7826 & 0.7000 & 0.9000 & 0.7778 & 0.8372 \\
   DenseNet201 & 0.8636 & 0.7955 & 0.8889 & 0.7619 & 0.8000 & 0.8000 & 0.8421 & 0.7805 \\




这是基于 的代码的略微改动版本colortblr。请注意,我已加载hhline包以避免出现问题\cline


\colorlet{greyheader}{Gray!50}                 \colorlet{greybody}{greyheader!30}
\colorlet{greenheader}{LightGreen!60!Olive!60} \colorlet{greenbody}{greenheader!30}
\colorlet{blueheader}{CornflowerBlue!70}       \colorlet{bluebody}{blueheader!30}
\colorlet{yellowheader}{Red!15!Yellow!40}      \colorlet{yellowbody}{yellowheader!30}
\colorlet{orangeheader}{LightSalmon!70}        \colorlet{orangebody}{orangeheader!30}

  \caption{Architecture Performances}\label{tab:lab}
    & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{\cellcolor{greenheader}Accuracy}
    & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{\cellcolor{blueheader}Precision}
    & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{\cellcolor{yellowheader}Recall}
    & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{\cellcolor{orangeheader}F1 Scores} \\
    & \cellcolor{greenheader}TL  & \cellcolor{greenheader}PT
    & \cellcolor{blueheader}TL   & \cellcolor{blueheader}PT
    & \cellcolor{yellowheader}TL & \cellcolor{yellowheader}PT
    & \cellcolor{orangeheader}TL & \cellcolor{orangeheader}PT \\
    VGG16       & 0.8182 & 0.7727 & 0.8000 & 0.7500 & 0.8000 & 0.7500 & 0.8000 & 0.7500 \\
    VGG19       & 0.7273 & 0.7955 & 0.8000 & 0.7619 & 0.6000 & 0.8000 & 0.6667 & 0.7805 \\
    ResNet50    & 0.8409 & 0.7045 & 0.8824 & 0.7059 & 0.7500 & 0.6000 & 0.8108 & 0.6486 \\
    ResNet152   & 0.8182 & 0.6591 & 0.9286 & 0.6316 & 0.6500 & 0.6000 & 0.7647 & 0.6154 \\
    DenseNet121 & 0.8182 & 0.8409 & 0.8750 & 0.7826 & 0.7000 & 0.9000 & 0.7778 & 0.8372 \\
    DenseNet201 & 0.8636 & 0.7955 & 0.8889 & 0.7619 & 0.8000 & 0.8000 & 0.8421 & 0.7805 \\

