(2)我希望内盒排列在外盒的顶部。因此,图 1 和图 2 应位于同一高度。
(3)有没有办法将图 8 中的直角符号替换为图 6 中的直角符号?
\tikzset{baseline=(current bounding box.center),
my angle/.style = {draw, font=\small,
angle eccentricity=1.55, angle radius=3mm},
base/.style = {draw, thick},
dashline/.style = {densely dashed, thick},
every edge quotes/.style = {auto=right, inner sep=1pt, font=\small},
Rect/.style args = {#1/#2}{base, minimum height=#1, minimum width=#2},
Trap/.style args = {#1/#2}{base, trapezium,
trapezium left angle=#1, trapezium right angle=#2,
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ANG/.style = {draw, fill=gray!10, angle radius=4mm,
angle eccentricity=#1},
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\subsubsection*{\large Name:\hspace*{1em}\rule[0.1em]{15em}{0.1em}}
\subsection*{Some formulas}
\begin{tcolorbox}[title = Area{,} Circumference and more]
Drawing 1 & & \\
Area & & \\
A=a\cdot a = a^2 & &
\tikz{\node (a) [Rect=14mm/14mm] {};
\path (a.south west) to["a"] (a.south east)
(a.south east) to["a"] (a.north east);
} \\
Circumference & & \\
u=4\cdot a & &
\tikz{\node (a) [Rect=14mm/14mm] {};
\path (a.south west) to["a"] (a.south east)
(a.south east) to["a"] (a.north east);
} \\
Drawing 3 & & \\
Area & & \\
A=a\cdot b & &
\tikz{\node (a) [Rect=12mm/24mm] {};
\path (a.south west) to["a"] (a.south east)
(a.south east) to["b"] (a.north east);
} \\
Circumference & & \\
u=2\cdot a+2\cdot b & &
\tikz{\node (a) [Rect=12mm/24mm] {};
\path (a.south west) to["a"] (a.south east)
(a.south east) to["b"] (a.north east);
} \\
Drawing 5 & & \\
Area & & \\
A=a\cdot b & &
\tikz{[scale=1.1, very thick, font=\footnotesize]%,cap=round,>=latex]
\coordinate [] (A) at (-0.6cm,-1.cm);
\coordinate [] (C) at (1.8cm,-1.0cm);
\coordinate [] (B) at (1cm,0.4cm);
\coordinate [label=right:h] (H) at (0.6cm,-0.4cm);
\draw[thick] (A) -- node[sloped,above] {} (B) -- node[sloped,above,] {} (C) -- node[below] {g} (A);
\draw[dashed, thick] (B) -- (A-|B) ;} \\
Circumference & & \\
u=a+b+c & &
\tikz{[scale=1.1, very thick, font=\footnotesize]%,cap=round,>=latex]
\coordinate [] (A) at (-0.6cm,-1.cm);
\coordinate [] (C) at (1.8cm,-1.0cm);
\coordinate [] (B) at (1cm,0.4cm);
%\coordinate [label=right:h] (H) at (0.6cm,-0.4cm);
\draw[thick] (A) -- node[above,left] {b} (B) -- node[above,right] {a} (C) -- node[below] {c} (A);
%\draw[dashed, thick] (B) -- (A-|B) ;
} \\
Drawing 7 & & \\
Area & & \\
A=\pi\cdot r^{2} & &
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (\r,0) ;
\coordinate (C) at (0,\r) ;
\coordinate (D) at (0,-\r) ;
\filldraw[ fill=white, very thick](A) circle (\r);
\draw[color=black] (A) node {$\scriptstyle \pmb{+}$};
%\draw[color=black] (A) node[below] {M};
\draw[color=black,dashed, thick] (A)-- (B) node[midway,below]{\scriptsize r};
%\draw[color=gray,very thick] (C)-- (D) node[midway,left,color=black]{d};
} \\
Circumference & & \\
u&=2\cdot \pi \cdot r\\
&=\pi\cdot d
\end{aligned} & &
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (\r,0) ;
\coordinate (C) at (0,\r) ;
\coordinate (D) at (0,-\r) ;
\filldraw[ fill=white, very thick](A) circle (\r);
\draw[color=black] (A) node {$\scriptstyle \pmb{+}$};
%\draw[color=black] (A) node[below] {M};
\draw[color=black,dashed, thick] (A)-- (B) node[midway,below]{\scriptsize r};
\draw[color=black,dashed, thick] (D)-- (C) node[midway,left]{\scriptsize d};
%\draw[color=gray,very thick] (C)-- (D) node[midway,left,color=black]{d};
\tcblower % right side of box
Drawing 2 & & \\
Area & & \\
A=g\cdot h & &
\tikz{\node (a) [Trap=50/130] {};
\draw [dashline] (a.north west) to["$\text{h}$" '] (a.south west);
\path (a.bottom left corner) to["$\text{g}$"] (a.bottom right corner);
} \\
Circumference & & \\
u=2\cdot a+2\cdot b & & \
\tikz{\node (a) [Trap=50/130] {};
\path (a.top left corner) to["$\text{a}$" ] (a.bottom left corner)
(a.bottom left corner) to["$\text{b}$"] (a.bottom right corner);;
} \\
Drawing 4 & & \\
Area & & \\
A=\frac{(a+c)\cdot h}{2} & &
\tikz{\node (a) [Trap=50/50] {};
\draw [dashline] (a.north west) to["$\text{h}$" '] (a.south west);
\path (a.bottom left corner) to["$\text{a}$" ] (a.bottom right corner)
(a.bottom right corner) to[""] (a.top right corner)
(a.top right corner) to["$\text{c}$"] (a.top left corner)
(a.top left corner) to[""] (a.bottom left corner);
} \\
Circumference & & \\
u=a+b+c+d & &
\tikz{\node (a) [Trap=50/50] {};
\path (a.bottom left corner) to["$\text{a}$" ] (a.bottom right corner)
(a.bottom right corner) to["$\text{b}$"] (a.top right corner)
(a.top right corner) to["$\text{c}$"] (a.top left corner)
(a.top left corner) to["$\text{d}$"] (a.bottom left corner);
} \\
Drawing 6 & & \\
Area & & \\
A=\frac{1}{2}\cdot a\cdot b & &
\tikz{[very thick]
\draw (-1.5,0)coordinate[](A)
% rechte Winkel
\pic[draw,fill=gray!10,fill opacity=0.5,angle radius=4mm,"$\pmb{\cdot}$" opacity=1]
% Streckenbezeichnungen
\path (A) -- node [midway,below] {\scriptsize b} (B);
\path (A) -- node [midway,left] {\scriptsize a} (C);
\path (B) -- node [midway,above] {} (C);} \\
Circumference & & \\
u=a+b+c & &
\tikz{[very thick]
\draw (-1.5,0)coordinate[](A)
% rechte Winkel
\pic[draw,fill=gray!10,fill opacity=0.5,angle radius=4mm,"$\pmb{\cdot}$" opacity=1]
% Streckenbezeichnungen
\path (A) -- node [midway,below] {\scriptsize b} (B);
\path (A) -- node [midway,left] {\scriptsize a} (C);
\path (B) -- node [midway,above] {\scriptsize c} (C);} \\
Drawing 8 & & \\
{In any right-angled\\
triangle it holds that} & & \\
a^{2}+b^{2}=c^{2} & &
\tikz{[very thick]
\draw (0,0)coordinate[](A)
-- (3,0)coordinate[](B)
-- (0,1.5)coordinate[](C)
-- cycle;
% rechte Winkel
\pic[ANG=0.5, "$\pmb{\cdot}$"] {right angle=B--A--C};
% Streckenbezeichnungen
\path (A) edge ["$b$"] (B)
(B) edge ["$c$"] (C)
(C) edge ["$a$"] (A);
} \\