\newcommand{\AddAuthor}[2]{} %container
\textbf{##1} \\
\textit{##2} \\
这是我迄今为止所做的 MWE。
\newcommand{\AddAuthor}[2]{} %container
\textbf{##1} \\
\textit{##2} \\
\chapter{The Awesome Chapter}
\AddAuthor{First Author}{Goodest Boy}
\AddAuthor{Second Author}{Not the Best One}
\chapter{The Awesome Chapter, part 2}
\AddAuthor{First Author}{Another Good Boy}
\AddAuthor{Second Author}{The Best of Its Kind}
\AddAuthor{Third Author}{The Baddie}
\textbf{#1} \\
\textit{#2} \\
\newcommand{\ListAuthor}[1]{% <-- to avoid potentially unwanted spaces
\def\AddAuthor{\string\AddAuthor}% local redefinition to write \AddAuthor commands to the toc
\addtocontents{toc}{\begin{l@listauthors}#1\end{l@listauthors}}% write l@listauthor environment with all the \AddAuthor commands to the toc
\newif\iffirstauthor% new boolean to detect the first \AddAuthor inside the toc
\newenvironment{l@listauthors}{% environment to be used inside the toc for encapsulating the \AddAuthor commands.
\renewcommand{\AddAuthor}[2]{% local redefinition of \AddAuthor inside l@listauthors environment (used inside the toc)
\iffirstauthor\firstauthorfalse\else, \fi% if it is the first author set boolean to false otherwise add a comma
##1% output author name
\chapter{The Awesome Chapter}
\AddAuthor{First Author}{Goodest Boy}%
\AddAuthor{Second Author}{Not the Best One}%
\chapter{The Awesome Chapter, part 2}
\AddAuthor{First Author}{Another Good Boy}%
\AddAuthor{Second Author}{The Best of Its Kind}%
\AddAuthor{Third Author}{The Baddie}%
这是, and
\textbf{#1} \\
\textit{#2} \\
\newcommand{\ListAuthor}[1]{% <-- to avoid potentially unwanted spaces
\def\AddAuthor{\string\AddAuthor}% same as above
\addtocontents{toc}{\begin{l@listauthors}#1\end{l@listauthors}% same as above
\newcounter{authorcnt}% used for the number of authors
\newcounter{lastauthor}% number of last author in the end code of l@listauthors
\newcommand*{\authorlist}{}% used for the local author list of a l@listauthors environment
\setcounter{authorcnt}{0}% init the number to none
\def\authorlist{}% empty the local list (should not be needed)
\stepcounter{authorcnt}% we have one more author
\expandafter\def\expandafter\authorlist\expandafter{% define the author list
\authorlist% by the current list
\stepcounter{authorcnt}% and if the current number
\ifnum\value{authorcnt}>1 , % is > 1 by a comma
\ifnum \value{authorcnt}=\value{lastauthor} and \fi% and if the current number is the last by "and" + space
##1% and always by the author name
\setcounter{authorcnt}{0}% start the output again with author number 0
\chapter{The Awesome Chapter}
\AddAuthor{First Author}{Goodest Boy}%
\AddAuthor{Second Author}{Not the Best One}%
\chapter{The Awesome Chapter, part 2}
\AddAuthor{First Author}{Another Good Boy}%
\AddAuthor{Second Author}{The Best of Its Kind}%
\AddAuthor{Third Author}{The Baddie}%
\textbf{#1} \\
\textit{#2} \\
\newcommand{\ListAuthor}[1]{% <-- to avoid potentially unwanted spaces
% This is almost the same as above, only the conditionals are changed
\ifnum\value{authorcnt}>1 % for more than one authors add a separator
\ifnum \value{authorcnt}=\value{lastauthor}% before the last author
\ifnum \value{authorcnt}>2
, and % and this, if they are more than 2
\ and % and this, if less than two
\else , \fi% before all other authors only a comma
\chapter{The Awesome Chapter}
\AddAuthor{First Author}{Goodest Boy}%
\AddAuthor{Second Author}{Not the Best One}%
\chapter{The Awesome Chapter, part 2}
\AddAuthor{First Author}{Another Good Boy}%
\AddAuthor{Second Author}{The Best of Its Kind}%
\AddAuthor{Third Author}{The Baddie}%