高 IO-APIC-fasteoi 中断使用 eth0

高 IO-APIC-fasteoi 中断使用 eth0

我相信这是由于rsync每 15 分钟运行一次的 cronjob 造成的。这是在 ESXi 中运行的 RHEL 6 机器。 /proc/interrupts显示:

18: 3386804969   IO-APIC-fasteoi   eth0

系统负载有时会飙升至 30.00 以上。这是一个单核系统。

该命令sar显示当时的大部分负载是“%system”。我想确定为什么负载会如此高,以及是否确实是由于rsync.解决问题的想法?这可能是由于rsync执行校验和造成的吗?是否rsync利用 TCP 卸载来执行校验和?


似乎是一个相当容易解决的问题,我只需运行tophtop,看看在您看到问题出现的 15 分钟窗口之间的边界之一期间哪个进程正在消耗资源。




$ sudo nethogs wlp3s0

屏幕截图 - 单击查看大图



  1. 我还会看一下rsync交互模式与将其作为 cronjob 进行调试。无论是交互的还是定时的,都应该出现相同的性能下降。
  2. 看一下磁盘 I/O。为此,您可以使用该工具iotop

    $ sudo iotop

              iotop 的 ss


一般来说,由于您看到 CPU 负载很高,这意味着您有很多“准备运行”的进程正在内核的等待队列中堆积,等待 CPU 的一段时间。



    --bwlimit=KBPS          limit I/O bandwidth; KBytes per second


您还需要确认您的rsynccronjob 实际上正在使用 rsync 的校验和功能。据我所知,这通常是默认关闭的 - 并且您必须明确启用它,因此这甚至可能不是问题的根本原因。

摘自 rsync 手册页

-c, --checksum
   This  changes  the  way rsync checks if the files have been changed 
   and are in need of a transfer.  Without this option, rsync uses a 
   "quick check" that (by default) checks if each file’s size and time 
   of last modification match between the  sender  and receiver.   This  
   option  changes  this  to compare a 128-bit checksum for each file 
   that has a matching size.  Generating the checksums means that both 
   sides will expend a lot of disk I/O reading all the data in the files 
   in the transfer (and  this  is prior to any reading that will be done 
   to transfer changed files), so this can slow things down

   The  sending  side generates its checksums while it is doing the 
   file-system scan that builds the list of the available files. The 
   receiver generates its checksums when it is scanning for changed            
   files, and will checksum any file that has the same  size as the 
   corresponding sender’s file:  files with either a changed size or a 
   changed checksum are selected for transfer.

   Note  that  rsync  always  verifies that each transferred file was 
   correctly reconstructed on the receiving side by checking a whole-
   file checksum that is generated as the file is transferred, but that 
   automatic after-the-transfer verification has nothing to do with this 
   option’s before-the-transfer "Does this file need to be updated?" 

   For  protocol  30  and beyond (first supported in 3.0.0), the 
   checksum used is MD5.  For older protocols, the checksum used is MD4.

