Tikz 图表的对齐和标题

Tikz 图表的对齐和标题

我有两个 Tikz 图 - 让我们用 $D$ 和 $D'$ 表示它们的代码。现在我想将它们显示在同一行中,所以我将它们对齐。也就是说我写


D  & & D'






请查看ctan 子图中的软件包文档了解详情。

\usepackage{tikz}       % for Tikz
\usepackage{lipsum}     % some blindtext
\usepackage{subfigure}  % assuming both figures belong together somehow

    \lipsum[10] See figure \ref{fig}.

        \subfigure[Left demo]{% "split", just to show the structure
            \tikz{% <<< put those % to avoid insertion of unwanted spaces, i.e. shifts
                \draw (0,0) rectangle (3,2);%
        \hspace{2cm}% some extra horizontal separation
        \subfigure[Right demo]{\tikz{\draw[fill=green!20] (0,0) rectangle (2,3);}}
    \caption{Two demo figures with Tikz}\label{fig}



您的问题不清楚您喜欢如何展示您的图表。带标题还是不带标题?作为图中的子图还是两个独立的图?还是带有两张图片的图?因此,下面的 MWE(最小工作示例)包含所有列出的三种场景:

\documentclass{article} % or some other suitable document class
%--------------- show page layout. don't use in a real document!
\usepackage{lipsum}                             % for dummy text

\subfloat[Left demo \label{subfig:a}]{\tikz\node[draw] {left subfigure};}
\subfloat[Right demo \label{subfig:b}]{\tikz\node[draw] {right subfigure};}

\caption{As two sub figures drawn with  Ti*k*Z}\
As you can see in subfigure \ref{subfig:a} in figure \ref{fig} \dots

\tikz\node[draw] {left figure};
\caption{Your left figure drawn by Ti*k*Z package}
\tikz\node[draw] {right figure};
\caption{Your right figure drawn by Ti*k*Z package}
As you can see in figure \ref{fig:a} and figure \ref{fig:b} \dots

At the end also example, when sub figures haven't own captions:
\tikz\node[draw, text width=0.4\linewidth] {left figure drawn using Ti*k*Z package};
\tikz\node[draw, text width=0.4\linewidth] {right figure drawn using Ti*k*Z package};

\caption{As two images in figure, drawn with  Ti*k*Z}


