所以我正在编写基于 IEEE 格式的 latex 代码,该格式不支持 jpeg 或 Png 选项,我上传了 eps 格式的文件。之前只有一张图片时编译正常,但在添加 4 张图片后现在显示编译错误。我正在使用 Overleaf。
\title{My title}
\author{The authors}
Some keywords
A beautilful introduction
\section{Some title}
Some text
\includegraphics[height=6cm, width=7.5cm]{image2_w.eps}\\
\caption{A nice caption}
Some more text
\includegraphics[height=7cm, width=7.5cm]{Screenshot (32).eps}\\
\caption{Figure 2: PWE method algorithm }\\
\includegraphics[height=7cm, width=7.5cm]{Screenshot (42).eps}\\
\caption{Figure 3: RCWA method algorithm }
\section{Yet another title}
And still more text
And again
Now, we have plotted the transmission vs wavelength plot for three different radii (R = 0.25a, 0.3a, and 0.35a) and for five different refractive indices (n = 1,1.33,1.4,1.5,1.6).
The graphs are given below,
From these graphs, we have noted the points for resonance by taking into account all of the refractive indices. From the information on these points, we have plotted the wavelength vs refractive index plot.
The graph is shown below,
\caption{Some images}\label{fig:foobar}
Final text