如果我在具有 paracol 环境的同一页中使用浮点数,则浮点数会放置在其所在的位置,而与参数无关。请参阅我的 MWE。第 1 页上的浮点数应该位于底部,就像第 2 页中的浮点数一样,但它却位于顶部。为什么?(如果我注释掉 paracol,一切正常)
Some text that should go at the bottom.
Some text in two columns.
{\scriptsize Some more text in the second column.} \end{paracol}
Some text that should go at the bottom.
\global\let\footnoterule\relax% will need global reset
\caption{A bottom float. \lipsum[1]}
{\footnotesize \lipsum[1]}
Test\footnote{a normal footnote}
\blfootnote{ {\scriptsize \hspace{-16pt} A bottom float. \lipsum{1}}}\lipsum[1]
{\footnotesize \lipsum[1]}
\blfootnote{ {\scriptsize \hspace{-16pt} This is a second bottom float. This is a second bottom float. This is a second bottom float. This is a second bottom float. This is a second bottom float. This is a second bottom float. This is a second bottom float. This is a second bottom float. This is a second bottom float. This is a second bottom float. This is a second bottom float. }}