\setmainfont{TeX Gyre Heros}
numeric period, rate, present_value, future_value;
period = 20; % years
rate = 15; % percent
present_value = 1;
future_value = present_value * (1+rate/100) ** period;
numeric u, v;
5u = 8v = 3.5cm; % set horizontal and vertical scale
% curve
path ff;
ff = ((0, present_value) for years = 1 upto period:
.. (years, present_value * (1+rate/100) ** years)
endfor) xscaled u yscaled v;
draw ff withpen pencircle scaled 1 withcolor 2/3 red;
% axes
path xx, yy;
xx = origin -- (period, 0) scaled u;
yy = origin -- (0, ceiling future_value) scaled v;
draw xx;
draw yy;
% scales
for x = 0 step 5 until period:
draw (origin -- 2 down) shifted (x * u, 0);
label.bot(decimal x, (x * u, -2));
for y = 0 step 2 until ceiling future_value:
draw (origin -- 2 left) shifted (0, y * v);
label.lft(decimal y, (-2, y*v));
% axis labels
label("Years", (1/2 period * u, -24));
label(textext("Euros") rotated 90, (-24, 1/2 future_value * v));
% start and finish labels
label("\begin{tabular}{c} Present value\\"
& decimal present_value
& " euro\end{tabular}", (1.8u, 2.7v));
label("\begin{tabular}{c} Future value\\"
& decimal (floor(10 * future_value + 1/2) / 10)
& " euros\end{tabular}", ((period - 2.2) * u, future_value * v));
% arrow annotations
path cap, dis;
cap = subpath (9, 13) of ff shifted (8 * unitvector(direction 11 of ff rotated 90));
dis = subpath (12, 8) of ff shifted (8 * unitvector(direction 10 of ff rotated -90));
drawarrow cap; label.ulft("\small Capitalisation", point 2 of cap);
drawarrow dis; label.lrt("\small Discounting", point 2 of dis);
% title
label.top("\large\textbf{Discounting and capitalisation at " & decimal rate & "\%}",
point 5/2 of bbox currentpicture shifted 8 up);
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