如何正确地将 mathpartir 中的 \inference* 规则居中

如何正确地将 mathpartir 中的 \inference* 规则居中


\noindent A sentence introducing the first rule, which has a name and protrudes to the left:
\[%\quad\ \,\qquad%%% Ad-hoc, manually added space would mitigate the problem.
  {\mathrm{an\ extensive\ list\ of\ antecedences}}%
  {\mathrm{an\ extensive\ consequent}}
\noindent A long, extensive, lengthy, and boring text explaining the first rule in detail.\par

\noindent A sentence introducing the second rule, which has a side condition and protrudes to the right:
  \inferrule*[Right=a\ side\ condition.]%
  {\mathrm{an\ extensive\ list\ of\ antecedences}}%
  {\mathrm{an\ extensive\ consequent}}
  %\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad%%% Ad-hoc, manually added space would mitigate the problem.
\noindent A long, extensive, lengthy, and boring text explaining the second rule in detail.

\noindent A sentence introducing the third rule, which has both a name and a side condition and is not centered:
  {\mathrm{an\ extensive\ list\ of\ antecedences}}%
  {\mathrm{an\ extensive\ consequent}}
  %%% Here, some unknown amount of space should be added so that the rule is really centered.
\noindent A long, extensive, lengthy, and boring text explaining the third rule in detail.





PS. 事实证明,Leftand的这种语义Right是经过设计的,正如 mathpartir 文档中所述。这不是一个错误。





% fix a long standing bug
\define@key {mprset}{style}[1]{\def\TirNameStyle{#1}}


\noindent A sentence introducing the first rule, which has a name and protrudes to the left:
  {\textrm{an extensive list of antecedences}}
  {\textrm{an extensive consequent}}
A long, extensive, lengthy, and boring text explaining the first rule in detail.
  \inferrule*[LEFT=\textrm{RULE\_NAME },Right=.]
  {\textrm{an extensive list of antecedences}}
  {\textrm{an extensive consequent}}
A sentence introducing the third rule, which has both a name and a side 
condition and is not centered:
  \inferrule*[LEFT=\textrm{RULE },RIGHT=\textrm{ formula.}]
  {\textrm{an extensive list of antecedences}}
  {\textrm{an extensive consequent}}
  %%% Here, some unknown amount of space should be added so that the rule is really centered.
A long, extensive, lengthy, and boring text explaining the third rule in detail.





% fix a long standing bug
\define@key {mprset}{style}[1]{\def\TirNameStyle{#1}}
% define new keys Right* and Left*
\define@key {mpr}{Left*}{\hbox{$\LeftTirName {#1}\;$}}
\define@key {mpr}{Right*}
  {\setbox \mpr@right \hbox {\unhbox \mpr@right $\;\RightTirName {#1}$}}


\noindent A sentence introducing the first rule, which has a name and protrudes to the left:
  {\textrm{an extensive list of antecedences}}
  {\textrm{an extensive consequent}}
A long, extensive, lengthy, and boring text explaining the first rule in detail.
  {\textrm{an extensive list of antecedences}}
  {\textrm{an extensive consequent}}
A sentence introducing the third rule, which has both a name and a side 
condition and is not centered:
  {\textrm{an extensive list of antecedences}}
  {\textrm{an extensive consequent}}
  %%% Here, some unknown amount of space should be added so that the rule is really centered.
A long, extensive, lengthy, and boring text explaining the third rule in detail.




不是错误:Left表示“将标签在规则的左边[…]但就像标签一样宽度为零。” 类似地Right


\noindent A sentence introducing the first rule, which has a name and protrudes to the left:
  {\mathrm{an\ extensive\ list\ of\ antecedences}}%
  {\mathrm{an\ extensive\ consequent}}
\noindent A long, extensive, lengthy, and boring text explaining the first rule in detail.\par

\noindent A sentence introducing the second rule, which has a side condition and protrudes to the right:
  \inferrule*[right=a\ side\ condition.]%
  {\mathrm{an\ extensive\ list\ of\ antecedences}}%
  {\mathrm{an\ extensive\ consequent}}
  %\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad%%% Ad-hoc, manually added space would mitigate the problem.
\noindent A long, extensive, lengthy, and boring text explaining the second rule in detail.

\noindent A sentence introducing the third rule, which has both a name and a side condition and is not centered:
  {\mathrm{an\ extensive\ list\ of\ antecedences}}%
  {\mathrm{an\ extensive\ consequent}}
  %%% Here, some unknown amount of space should be added so that the rule is really centered.
\noindent A long, extensive, lengthy, and boring text explaining the third rule in detail.


但请注意,左侧的文本是正常大小(如 OP 中所示),而右侧的文本是小写大写(如 OP 中所示)。不确定这是否是故意的。
