撰写论文、书籍模板和 Libertine 字体。我选择使用 sidenotes 包将脚注放在页边空白处。效果很好,但我发现注释中的文本数字相当大,经过一番检查,我发现 realscripts 包允许使用字体中包含的特定上标。但 sidenotes 似乎无法完全捕捉到这一变化,因为只有页边空白数字出现在上标字体中,文本数字没有变化。
\documentclass[11pt, a4paper]{book}
\section{Superscript font check}
This is a non specific font superscript \textsuperscript*{1}
And this is a specific font superscript \textsuperscript{1}
The side note call uses a non specific superscript\sidenote{check font superscript}
The note itself in the margin is visibly using a specific font superscript...
Foot note is correctly using specific superscript\footnote{check foot note}
% !TeX TS-program = xelatex
\documentclass[11pt, a4paper]{book}
%%************************************* added <<<<
\RenewDocumentCommand \@sidenotes@thesidenotemark { m }
\edef \@x@sf {\the\spacefactor}%
\spacefactor \@x@sf%
\section{Superscript font check}
This is a non specific font superscript \textsuperscript*{1}
And this is a specific font superscript \textsuperscript{1}
The side note call now uses a specific superscript~\sidenote{check font superscript}
The note itself in the margin is visibly using a specific font superscript...
Foot note is correctly using specific superscript\footnote{check foot note}