我如何按照附件修复第 1 列(公司级别和业务级别)的对齐方式?如何垂直对齐文本:顶部、中间、底部?
\textbf{Strategy type} & \textbf{\begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}Airlines strategic \\ options\end{tabular}} & \textbf{Practical examples} \\ \midrule
\multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}[t]{@{}l@{}}Corporate \\ Level\end{tabular}} & Diversification & Passenger aircraft, cargo, logistics management, private charters. \\ \cmidrule(l){2-3}
& Horizontal integration (including mergers and acquisitions) & Expanding range (short haul, long haul); acquiring other airlines. \\ \cmidrule(l){2-3}
& Vertical integration (forward and backward) & Ticket booking (IT systems); ground handling; catering; car/hotel services. \\ \cmidrule(l){2-3}
& Divestment/spin-offs & Lufthansa innovation hub spin-off start-up RYDES \\\cmidrule(l){2-3}
& Alliances & Alliances such as Oneworld, Star Alliance, SkyTeam; code-sharing, frequent flyer partnerships. \\ \cmidrule(l){2-3}
\multirow{4}{*}{\begin{tabular}[t]{@{}l@{}}Business \\ Level\end{tabular}} & Differentiation & Full-service network airlines \\ \midrule
& Low-cost & No frills point-to-point airlines \\ \cmidrule(l){2-3}
& Niche & Luxury, private charters, wetlease, and regional airlines. \\ \cmidrule(l){2-3}
& Hybrid & Integration of point-to-point network with service differentiation, integration of global networks with regionally lower service levels. \\ \bottomrule
-- 空格替换指令,它可以作为与实心黑线一样好的视觉分隔符。
顺便说一句,你把“Business Level”这个字符串放在了错误的行中。它应该放在“Low-cost”旁边,而不是“Differentiation”旁边。
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{@{} l P{0.28\textwidth} L @{}}
\bfseries Strategy type
& \bfseries Airlines strategic options
& \bfseries Practical examples \\
Corporate Level
& Diversification
& Passenger aircraft, cargo, logistics management, private charters. \\
\addlinespace % \cmidrule(l){2-3}
& Horizontal integration (including mergers and acquisitions)
& Expanding range (short haul, long haul); acquiring other airlines. \\
\addlinespace % \cmidrule(l){2-3}
& Vertical integration (forward and backward)
& Ticket booking (IT systems); ground handling; catering; car/hotel
services. \\
\addlinespace % \cmidrule(l){2-3}
& Divestment\slash spin-offs
& Lufthansa innovation hub spin-off start-up RYDES. \\
\addlinespace % \cmidrule(l){2-3}
& Alliances
& Alliances such as Oneworld, Star Alliance, SkyTeam; code-sharing,
frequent flyer partnerships. \\
\addlinespace % \cmidrule(l){2-3}
& Differentiation
& Full-service network airlines. \\
Business Level
& Low-cost
& No frills point-to-point airlines. \\
\addlinespace % \cmidrule(l){2-3}
& Niche
& Luxury, private charters, wetlease, and regional airlines. \\
\addlinespace % \cmidrule(l){2-3}
& Hybrid
& Integration of point-to-point network with service differentiation,
integration of global networks with regionally lower service levels. \\
\begin{tblr}{colspec = {@{} l X[1.1, cmd=\RaggedRight] X[2, cmd=\RaggedRight] @{}},
row{1} = {font=\bfseries, m}
Strategy type
& Airlines strategic options
& Practical examples \\
Corporate Level
& Diversification
& Passenger aircraft, cargo, logistics management, private charters. \\
& Horizontal integration (including mergers and acquisitions)
& Expanding range (short haul, long haul); acquiring other airlines. \\
& Vertical integration (forward and backward)
& Ticket booking (IT systems); ground handling; catering; car/hotel
services. \\
& Divestment\slash spin-offs
& Lufthansa innovation hub spin-off start-up RYDES. \\
& Alliances
& Alliances such as Oneworld, Star Alliance, SkyTeam; code-sharing,
frequent flyer partnerships. \\
& Differentiation
& Full-service network airlines. \\
Business Level
& Low-cost
& No frills point-to-point airlines. \\
& Niche
& Luxury, private charters, wetlease, and regional airlines. \\
& Hybrid
& Integration of point-to-point network with service differentiation,
integration of global networks with regionally lower service levels. \\