对于我的课程(在大学教学),我使用 TeX 文档提供每周的作业和练习,如下所示。
\titleformat{\chapter}[hang]{\color{blue}\Large\bfseries}{Exercise \thechapter\,--\,}{0sp}{\color{blue}}[]
\chapter{Topic of Week 1}
\section{Task 1}
\section{Task 2}
\chapter{Topic of Week 2}
\section{Task 1}
\section{Task 2}
这将生成如下章节标题练习 1 - 第一周主题。现在我需要一个解决方案来将一个章节拆分为两周,也就是说,它应该导致
- 练习 1A - 第一周主题
- 练习 1B - 第一周剩余内容
整体结构应该保持不变。实际上,我想添加一个新的\chapter{Remainder of Week 1}
{Exercise \thechapter\,--\,}
{Exercise \thesplitchapter\,--\,}
% copied from titlesec doc
% reset splitchapter counter at each chapter
\chapter{a chapter}
\splitchapter{a split chapter}
\splitchapter{another split chapter}
\chapter{another chapter}
\renewcommand*{\chapterformat}{Exercise \thechapter\,--\,}
\DeclareNewSectionCommand[% see the KOMA-Script manual for more information
level=\chapternumdepth,% same level as chapter
beforeskip:=chapter,% same value as of chapter
afterskip:=chapter,% same value as of chapter
font:=chapter,% same value as of chapter
counterwithin=chapter,% same value as of chapter
\DeclareTOCStyleEntry[entryformat:=chapter,indent:=chapter,numwidth:=chapter,numwidth+=.5em,pagenumberformat:=chapter,beforeskip:=chapter]{chapter}{subchapter}% may be useful for the ToC; see the KOMA-Script manual for more information
\renewcommand*{\subchapterformat}{Exercise \thesubchapter\,--\,}
\refstepcounter{chapter}% unfortunately needed, if the numbering should not be 1, 1A, 1B but 1A, 1B without a 1 before
\subchapter{Topic of Week 1}
\section{Task 1}
\section{Task 2}
\subchapter{Remainder of Week 1}
\section{Task 3}
\section{Task 4}
\chapter{Topic of Week 2}
\section{Task 1}
\section{Task 2}
但也许你还想使用 1A.1、1A.2、1B.1、1B.2 作为章节编号?在这种情况下,你可以使用如下代码:
\titleformat{\chapter}[hang]{\color{blue}\Large\bfseries}{Exercise \thechapter\,--\,}{0sp}{\color{blue}}[]
\chapter{Topic of Week 1}
\section{Task 1}
\section{Task 2}
\chapter{Remainder of Week 1}
\section{Task 1}
\section{Task 2}
\chapter{Topic of Week 2}
\section{Task 1}
\section{Task 2}