我的 bibfile 包含特殊字符。当我使用 TexShop (4.70) 打开文件时(我曾在 Mac 上创建此文件),我可以看到我的特殊字符。当我使用 Texmaker (5.1.3) 打开文件时,我可以看到特殊字符后面跟着两个方框,而当我在 Texshop 中打开文件时,这两个方框并不存在。我如何才能在 Bib 文件中永久写入特殊字符,并确保其他人也可以读取和使用该文件?
title = {Prosecutor v. Dusko Tadi{\'c}‡‡ a/k/a "Dule"},
subtitle = {},
titleaddon = {ICTY AC Judgement on Allegations of Contempt against Prior Counsel, Milan Vujin (31 January 2000)},
date = {},
number = {IT-94-1-A-R77},
pages = {},
keywords = {ICTY}, tabulate={ICTY},
以下是 Texmakers 展示的内容:
title = {Prosecutor v. Dusko Tadi{\'c}**[here I see two boxes]** a/k/a "Dule"},
subtitle = {},
titleaddon = {ICTY AC Judgement on Allegations of Contempt against Prior Counsel, Milan Vujin (31 January 2000)},
date = {},
number = {IT-94-1-A-R77},
pages = {},
keywords = {ICTY}, tabulate={ICTY},
PDF 未打印 Tadić 中的 ć。我该如何避免这两个框?